Switzerland to ‘soon’ use first suicide pod for assisted dying

It’s not that expensive. Get off your wallet and buy your own. The government doesn’t have to give you everything for free, slacker.

Personal liberty and freedom.

Never said anything about the government. Legalize it everywhere for everyone over 21 all at once

That’s not true at all.

Anything that can be abused will be. Sorry L.L. but you need to be able to see the big picture better. Just like everything else, there will certainly be “improvements.” There always is.

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I’m just saying the option has always been there.

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aborted people can’t kill themselves either…

more abortions=less suicide + all the weed they would have smoked is now available



No people who do not exist cannot kill themselves

That’s some new math you got there.

Almost thought GDoane made a comeback :upside_down_face:

We don’t ban it all though.

And that’s happened where in the real world?

Why even let them sign a contract at 18 anymore? :man_shrugging:


If some folks weren’t so intentionally ignorant about guns, they’d know about the cleaner .22nd option. lol

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The CIA heart attack gun for suicide by deep state.

Obama’s death panels. It was a dark time in American healthcare.

Soylent Green.

This is a shameful step for humanity when life is better than it has ever been for so many.

Anyone choosing this is not in their right mind.

I can envision Dr. Jill shoving Brandon into one of this in about 8 months.


Envision a director of medicare looking at how much they could save by coronavirus swiss suicide pod all the bedridden patients with little family contact.

It is the Obama death panel by default.

It will be sold here by the swiss success.



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Oh, that’s right. I forgot about the exactly zero times that death panel met.