Suprising lack of stock market threads

But hey, I learned how to type, sew and work on pre-electronic engines. The good news is the information is easily accessible to anyone smart enough to realize they need it.

Sometimes feces just occurs. The market drops and then ounces back- eventually. But there’s not a single issue in this country, from the border chaos, the crime rate, inflation, gas prices, food shortages and now the invasion of Ukraine that can’t be squarely laid on the hunched shoulders of the idiot in chief currently residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Biden has quite literally done absolutely nothing but make Americans more broke and insecure in their country and in their own homes by the stupidity and apathy of the policies he’s enacted since day one in office!

It’s precisely because he’s such a feckless, doddering, senile imbecile that Vladimir Putin feels emboldened enough to invade a sovereign country, despite the warnings of what should be the most powerful man in the world.

Maybe if Joe had not demonstrated his utter ferociousness by persecuting and prosecuting and ruining the lives of Americans who dared to defy his unscientific, unconstitutional mask and vaccine mandates or by making the calling of people by their preferred pronouns a priority, maybe, just maybe, Vladimir Putin wouldn’t feel so comfortable bitch slapping him on the world stage and putting any doubts of his incompetence to rest.

And I’m sure that just as soon as Joes wakes up from his nappy time and ice cream, he’ll make Vladimir rue the day he defied him!

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Wait until the fed prime rate hits like 20%…then you will see what real pain feels like.

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And it isn’t just my personal account… Everyone with a 401K, or similar type retirement account is going to take a serious hit. I can’t understand how anybody with the ability to think, can still have even a tiny bit of support for Biden. He’s a disaster.


How? What specific policy made Americans rich…


And everything is in the green now but tomorrow will be another day.

The markets gonna market don’t let political bias get in the way.

And then there were two. lol

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Bought RIOT as 10:43 this morning @ 15.07.

Up a mere 7% since then.

Glad for the panic sellers…


Stonks go up.

The ol’ $411 mountain climb to $430 spy trick. Someone filled a mountain of Tesla at $700. We’re living in Elon’s simulation.

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The market is full in tarded mode right now stay safe

Futures up again today - European markets up over 3 points. I don’t get it, but will take the gains…


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Unless you know when to make the jump to bonds. The returns on those should be spectacular for decades to come (assuming you play it right).

At this rate those goldline commercials are going to be streaming 24/7 like during the great recession.

I’m selling cash secure puts and covered calls on $TQQQ and $TNA. Nice premiums on those. I am looking to get back into $LCID soon also once I get some more cash

Yep… it’s really aged well.

Well at least we’re up today. About 550 points. But yeah, war and sanctions throw things off a bit while the entire globe still deals with supply chain problems and inflation.

You missed the closing bell.


-3,135.42 (-8.77%) for the month.

Yeah that was a crappy turnaround. Volatile day. Down big, up big, down.

Well good it was up 650+ today. But volatile as ■■■■■ Hoping for better as the year goes along.