Supreme Court Worship Wins

No, United States v Sprague and Howley.

Here is an article about it.


I have the impression that he only sides with Thomas and Alito when it involves small things that donā€™t really matter.

He seems to go with Sotomayor and Kagan on the big headline catching cases.

I could be wrong but thatā€™s my impression.


Same kind of complaint. It wasnā€™t ratified properly.

Not what Iā€™m talking about. Try the constitutionality of prohibiting alcohol.

Heā€™s trying to give @biggestal99 his ā€œbalanceā€ to preserve his own legacy. Heā€™s ignoring the law.

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By the way as I said in the other thread, this may be the worst reason for dissent Iā€™ve ever seen.

Roberts is doing everything he can to avoid opining on major issues.


I think thereā€™s a lot of truth in that sadly enough.

He needs to be following the constitution instead of what he is doing.


Barrett and Gorsuch votes counted here. Thank you Trump.


Thank the Good Lord above that Trump got to pick 3 SC justices rather than Broom Hillary. :+1:


Now, if I was the leaders of those churches, I would talk to my congregations and convince them that we need to limit attendance and exercise every precaution.

Thatā€™s what I think. He seems to always try and find an out and not make a decision

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The Constitution spells it out. And itā€™s not an opinion.

All opinions that differ from the Constitutional definition are simply wrong.

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Keeping it narrow as possible.

Meanwhile left leaning justices try to take large bits when they can.

You notice how the media keeps mentioning Justice Barrett? :rofl:


Yet heā€™s doing just the opposite in destroying any hope of having a positive legacy by such decisions.

Close contact is not required.

That would require fundamentally changing not only the court but The Constitution as well.

Start your drive for a constitutional amendment to that effect.

ā€œBalanceā€ should never be a consideration. The duty of the justices is to know both The Constitution and Law and apply it without bias or prejudice when hearing/deciding cases.

There is nothing to ā€œbalanceā€.


This is fantasy land

Read your constitution. Cite where it says the court should be ā€œbalancedā€.

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