Supreme Court Worship Wins

Who’s Clancy? What do you have against Roberts?

Clarence Thomas.

Roberts is a fine Chief Justice but no longer the decider.



So he lost his authority?

Let me guess…lib want him to have his authority back…Right?

Sounds like some want to give the Chief Justice veto authority.

Sound like it.

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Justice Neil Gorsuch, in the concurring opinion, said Cuomo had treated religious activities less favorably than nonreligious ones, according to the New York Times.

“It is time — past time — to make plain that, while the pandemic poses many grave challenges, there is no world in which the Constitution tolerates color-coded executive edicts that reopen liquor stores and bike shops but shutter churches, synagogues, and mosques,” wrote Gorsuch, who was also named to the court by Trump.

I wonder how a bike shop and liquor store differ than a mass gathering that lasts more than an hour with close contact?


Ruling should have been 9-0.

Never mind saying it should have been 6-3.

As Sneaky noted earlier, his sentiment applies to the lib justices on SCOTUS as well.


It seems there has been a concerted strategy over a number of years to (in the words of Justice Thomas) “diminish” certain rights.

Given that libs cannot downright repeal the recognition of them, it makes sense to attempt to make them irrelevant. To mock them.

The Citizens United case is an interesting example. An attempt was made to diminish the 1st Amendment recognized right of freedom of expression to protect a candidate.

Concerted and devoted efforts to diminish the right to keep and bear and bear arms is the most obvious example.



Unbalanced right now.


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Fundamental lack of understanding of the function of the SCOTUS.

What is unbalanced about it?

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6 Republican presidential appointees

3 Democratic presidential appointees.

6-3 out of balance.

Now if Biden appoints a replacement of one of the 6

It will bring it back to balance. 5-4


I thought so. “Appointed by” is out of balance.

Fundamental lack of understanding of the function of the SCOTUS.


Uh oh

New Jersey church and synagogue ask Supreme Court to lift COVID restrictions on gatherings

Nope and out of appointed by doesn’t need quotation marks.

It is a fact.


Probably end up fizzling out like the urban myth about Starbucks boycotting and not supplying the military with coffee.

It is irrelevant to the function of the court. There was an actual answer to the question. It would have required actual thinking and understanding.

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Your opinion is the answer that you seek. Lol.

There are a myriad of opinions on what SCOTUS actual function is.

Yours is just another voice in the crowd along with mine.

The fact is that is the final arbiter.

They ruled on this case and what their opinion is the answer.

Loud and clear.


Did the SCOTUS opine on the 18th Amendment?

They opine on what the 18th amendment actually states.


What did they say? Are you talking about Hawke v Smith?

Did they overturn it?