Supreme Court upholds Trump travel ban

“Asking to back your assertion” is a “game.” We know, gooddad, we know. You tucked tail and ran in the last thread where I asked you to back an assertion. It’s quite a common tactic for you guys.

Huff, puff, stomp around, and refuse to back your claims. That’s the true spirit of MAGA.

It went in to effect in December. It’s been well past 90 days.

I’m so happy I’m going to celebrate tonight. Trump prevailed against every evil lib force that could be deployed against him.

If his vision guides this country, we can look at any mosque in our country and feel confident that they are not plotting our destruction in there. Inshallah!

This is funny from Erick Erickson, particularly considering he was one of the first Never Trump people during the election campaign.

Reading the Travel Ban dissent, it’s pretty clear Trump Derangement Syndrome has infected part of the Court.


And stayed in effect?

We’re on to your games. :sunglasses:

I think people need to pick the names for their positions more carefully.

“NEVER Trump” is pretty absolute. More and more of those people are finding that Trump isn’t the dumpster fire they expected him to be, and are starting to support things he’s doing. (Granted, there are still plenty of people who will oppose even things they want to see accomplished because it’s Trump who is doing it…)

Floundering? Who is failing in his goal here?

I have you totally unhinged. You have succeeded in getting me to answer zero of your “simple requests”. I like where we stand now. You … not so much.

Yet you think I’m the one who is floundering.

Yes. The third version makes the ban indefinite.

OK. thanks.

Regarding your second sentence, since it’s no longer a 90-day initiative, aren’t questions about 90 days moot? Maybe the first two iterations needed a 90-day horizon because of their questionability. But the third one is clean and clearly constitutional, so no sunset is needed.

Yes as I said, asking you to back an assertion is a “game.” And you throw little tantrums when ASKED to play.

I’m not the one having tantrums. Neither is Guv. :rofl:

Well there really isn’t a Never Trump group now, as people like Erickson will give Trump credit when credit is due. The main issue has always been about his demeanor.

Glenn Beck learned the hard way.

The only goal I had was to ask you a question. That’s it. You started huffing when asked. Like you always do.

Calling you out on your hissy fit isn’t unhinged. You’re the one prancing flailing about refusing to answer a simple question. Many of them. And you don’t even deny the lies you tried to spin earlier blaming this taking so long on anti-Trumpers.

Yeah, it’s strange. You do this every time. Refuse to answer a simple question, call the other person unhinged, and deflect away from the topic a long as humanly possible due to your inability to engage in an actual discussion. And it’s obvious why you do this.

You are. I asked you to prove an assertion, you refused, and here we are discussing WHY you wouldn’t do so. It’s no doubt you like where we stand, because this is where you lead every discussion. When you can’t answer, you flop around like a fish on a dock doing everything you can not to talk about the subject at hand. Every. Time.

But please, have the last word, because I know you will anyway.

Yes, that’s Guv all right. Instead of answering a simply query, he started deflecting away from the topic. Like usual. And you’re here for no other purpose than to congratulate him for it.

12D chess, I’m sure.

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It will go on till those countries get their act together.

Well, it’s moot with regard to it no longer applying to the current EO. However, I think it lends credit to the argument that it was never about trying to properly vet refuges. It’s a slow boil. They are working bit by bit to limit entry of those they deem as undesirables. The precedent is set. They can now start to expand it however they want. It’s quite transparent.


No, it will go on indefinitely regardless of procedural changes. There is no credible threat or vulnerability with our current vetting procedures. The data clearly shows that. They want the undesirables out and they will keep them out as much as they can.

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The administration just tweeked the ban to allow this to go forward by including n. Korea and Venezuela. Since when has any terrorist come from Venezuela or N. Korea? We’ve got more domestic terrorism than those who are foreign.

I can just see Idiot Boy declaring the same ban when it comes to the Northern Triangle countries and Mexico.

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