Supreme Court Nominee

Cool. Where are their grades?

It is whataboutisim, no amount of spin will make it anything but.

It has ZERO to do with her being black OR female and you damn well know it. This is all an attempt by the left to distract from one simple fact. Biden looked at only one subset of jurists to make his pick.

It tells me that if she was in a candidate pool that held ALL qualified jurists, she MAY not have been the best candidate. We will never know, as he didn’t consider anyone unless they checked two boxes, black and female.

Go ahead and play the whataboutisim card to Trump. I REALLY hate that you are forcing me to even consider defending him. It actually shows how weak @your argument really is.

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On the list they give to republican presidents.

The same “subset” must have been followed for the current VP? Worked out well doncha think?

At that level, an ordered list is impossible. Define “best”. Go ahead. Guaranteed your definition will be different than the next person’s.

Bottom line, she has the expected degree, she has a lot of experience as a judge at high levels. She is eminently qualified.

It is about right-wing whining which wasn’t there when Reagan and Trump did it.

The grades are there? Are the grades based on qualifications or do they include other factors?

Are the grades public, like the ABA? Do they grade liberal nominees as well?

In addition the bar association gave Ronald Reagan’s judicial nominees Richard Posner and Frank H. Easterbrook its lowest possible ratings of “qualified/not qualified”,[37] and Judges Posner and Easterbrook have gone on to become the two most highly cited judges in the federal appellate judiciary.

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BLM doesn’t have to address all murders.

Not that I’m aware of. The public doesn’t nominate.


Nope. Didn’t see the grades there. Are they somewhere else?


Can you show me the grades?

Not that I’m aware of…

So you think they grade candidates but can’t show us any of the grades. Nor do you seem to understand how the criteria for how they grade the candidates. Is it adherence to conservative principles or is it qualifications for judgeship?Nor can you show them grading candidates outside their preferred list.

Totally the same as the ABA. :joy::joy::joy:

I know they grade candidates. It’s not a secret.

How they do it is on their website and that wiki.

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Biden said this?

You just see the outcome (announcement) and then assumed he didn’t look at any other candidates. He simply announced the final pool of candidates would be a black woman.

Sure. But you can’t show any of the grades. You can’t even know if they grade candidates outside their list of preferred candidates. You also miss that they are grading them for adherence to their politics, which is fine, but quite different than grading just on qualifications.

It’s clear they are a 100% partisan group. Now, you can claim the ABA is partisan but not like the Federalist Society. The ABA has given very good ratings to many, many conservative nominees. Has the Federalist Society done anything like that for liberal nominees?

No, your attempt at equivalence is summarily dismissed.

The Federalist Society fills the need to find judges that match their political views. That’s fine, but not in any way similar yo what the ABA is doing.

Yes. As a campaign promise. You know that.

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That was after he already looked at possible candidates and had narrowed the list, ie, had already decided who it was going to be. He didn’t limit his search to just women.

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Are you adding narration or do you have something to back this up?