Superbowl Covid

Keep pimping the fear. This is what happens when contradictory information keeps confusing people already skeptical and have been sacrificing their normalcy for almost a year. Some people are either stupid, don’t give a ■■■■ or want to make their own decisions; get used to it.
Open the ■■■■■■■■■ schools, quit abusing the children.

No problem. The cardboard cutouts had all been vaccinated. :wink:


I watched hoping to see Brady win it again. He’s setting some records that will never be broken.

I muted that halftime entertainer.

p.s. Probably be a covid outbreak from our SB watching party. The wife and i and she slept thru half of it. :wink:

You needn’t have bothered … his mic was so low you couldn’t hear him anyway.

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“How did you like the theme “It takes all of us”? and the game totally dedicated to first responders?”

I think it was yet more totally unnecessary boot licking. Spiked my glucose. Makes me ill some are still having their boots licked while others have watched their small businesses destroyed because some government official determined they’re “inessential”.

“You know there’s a pandemic raging.”

A pandemic that most exposed individuals have survived. The daily news indicates hospitalization rates are down.

“I can only imagine the spike in a week or two due to those irresponsible enough to endanger those around them by engaging in large party gatherings.”

Maybe. Am also willing to bet most infected, if there is a spike, will survive that, too.