Suckers Losers Biden Forgets DDAY Almost

Let it go please.

D-Day raises uncomfortable questions about where the country is headed now.

Americans died on the beaches of Normandy to defend freedom, but now we have been told that freedom is code word for racism and intolerance. We have spent the last two years with coerced vaccinations, mask mandates, and lockdowns because freedom is not worth dying for.

Americans died on the beaches of Normandy to defeat fascist tyranny in Europe, but now we are told that we need to support fascists to defend democracy in Europe. Curiously “democracy” now includes banning of opposition parties, arresting people who criticize the government, and assassination of political opponents based on accusations of treason.


Well no, you can’t, because they fought for a country where owning a gun is a constitutional right that shall not be infringed upon.


You can’t accurately assume that all WWII vets support an interpretation that the 2A allows access to any and all firearms regardless of the potential owner’s history.

C’mon man! We all know the most important priorities to Joe are calling people by their preferred pronouns and global warming! Stop talking about the economy and inflation and gas prices and our open Southern border and starving babies and crime rates and food shortages and supply chain problems and unfilled jobs and fentanyl deaths and Ukraine and Americans left behind in Afghanistan… FOCUS ON REAL ISSUES like Joe is.

That Joe’s the man!!!

I’m done, couldn’t resist.

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Please, had anyone started with this make gun manufacturers liable for mass shootings, which everyone knows is a not so cleverly hidden defacto gun ban and they would have turned their boats around and fought that enemy instead.


Likewise if they picked up the paper and got a load of kids going to drag shows.


You’re making broad assumptions. I support gun control and I don’t support making gun manufacturers liable for mass shootings.

But the guy you voted into office does and you knew it.


Presidents are package deals. It’s like getting the home shopping network with a cable bundle… you don’t care about it, but its included and the alternative doesn’t have any of the channels you do want.


What a stupid post.

We can and do.

Shall not infringe. Those boys shot .22 s at arcades.


What an even more stupid troll post.

Control that impulse.

Why? Isn’t that an incredibly broad brush?

Sure…just like any and all firearms from your assertion.

That generation was as anti fascist as we will ever know.

You think calling a post stupid is trolling?

Adds nothing to the discussion…just like you just did.

oh… there’s a problem with the economy?


Ok. Just checking. I’ve seen that phrase used a lot.