Suckers Losers Biden Forgets DDAY Almost

And apparently you can’t both support gun control and D-Day vets, you may only support one or the other.

Grrrrr…I’m ANGRY!

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Clearly Biden wants to disarm WWII vets؟

Even the clean up crew is late on this Brandon insult.


…or how Joe’s economy is bleeding.


Maybe they are starting to realize how irrelevant they are.

In his tweet clueless said “we must never forget their service”.

His statement last night came after he was asked about it by media…he didn’t say anything last year either.


Hemorrhagic fever.

The value of energy, goods, and services won’t clot until Trump returns.

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In all my life I’ve never met a janitor who’s job was to come it and laugh at the people getting upset about a mess.

That is incredibly fascinating.

Forget the economy, we need to focus on important issues like bad typography؟

lol… we’re all irrelevant with it comes to national politics. Welcome to the Internet. :wink:

Nobody is forgetting the economy right now.

We are suffering it.

D Day was forgotten by Brandon until Breitbart called him on it…two years running…suckers and losers got him so ■■■■■■■ far.


Relax, it was a joke because who ever designed that mug did a ■■■■■■ job. I’m a graphic designer, I can’t help but notice these things.

Of all the things going on in the world today, its really hard for me to give a ■■■■ about this. It’s just a bunch of hand ringing over ceremony and feefees.

Awesome, let’s see your design so we can compare.

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It is a very big deal to those of us that appreciate freedom and sacrifice.

Correcting the failed Dem policies of Brandon will be much easier. Biden the moderate…salute the marine…another classic gaff.


Then leave the thread. But stop trolling.


Just tighten up the leading on the line about Hunter doing blow so that it matches the other lines. I would also change the typeface from Comic Sans to Century Schoolbook to more closely match the typeface used in most Dr. Suess books… though a nice added touch might be to use drawn text for “Let’s go Brandon!” similar to what was used on his book covers.

As a side note, Green Eggs and Ham ends with the unnamed complainer discovering he does like Green Eggs and Ham after all, so perhaps this gag doesn’t lead to where the author intended. :wink:

Mod Note

You have been warned.


J’Biden is a clueless oaf. The “D Day gaffe” can only be interpreted as an intentional continuation of more erasing of American history. Joey’s handlers are ■■■■■■■ morons that likely cheer or instigate the woke attacks on statues and memorials of America’s past. And ■■■■ all that “Confederacy and slavery” horse ■■■■■ it happened so what; it’s 2022 fer crissakes.

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Mmkay, I’ll use my imagination. So you’re not willing to share your design so we all can compare? Or see your talents?

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