Stupid Things Politicians Say and Do

Boy I love open good old fashoned stereotype racism.

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Hell in my experience with my black side of the family, they are more redneck than the white people.

My dad tricked me into trying raccoon stew not to long ago when I was introducing my son to him. Even the white rednecks tend not to eat raccoon. But my black family? They’ll eat almost anything.


Make sure they know how to get a driver license or ID. Also walk em to voting booth…oh and don’t forget to tell em how to vote for their own good.

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Get over it lib…

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And you’re being politically correct. :wink:

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Post 3 is mine.

I quoted yaboi Biden.

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He’s also a Democrat, who also can’t be racist… and yet :thinking:

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Yes, I know. And apropos of nothing.

Just can’t help yourself.

Thinly veiled indeed.

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Adams’ comment absolutely was racist.

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Indeed it is.

What data does Adams have, what evidence, that illegals are good swimmers?

Thought this was going to be a good natured jab at all politicans and yhe stupid things they say.

Yeah I should have known better.

The door swings both ways.

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I didn’t accuse anyone of anything. I am merely making an observation.

I tried

Here’s one for you

biden claims inflation was at 9% whrn he took office.

It was actually 1.4%


Yeah i saw that. Biden has more lies than truths. He cant possibly have an original thought rattling in his frail old mind. He practically plagiarized his way into politics.


Biden told 15 lies in the interview. That has to be some kind of record.