Study on Masks and Transmission - hair salon

There are limitations to the study, but generally positive information and supports face coverings.

This is very good news for re-opening businesses.

maybe even for schools?

I still would like to know what degree of normalcy we can return to if we all wear masks everywhere.

No fun going drinking at a bar with a mask on.

And I’m really wondering about ski season. Seems to me we can be outdoors, they can handle separating people n the lifts…(lines will be longer, but oh well…) but what do we do when it’s -10F and we need a lodge to warm up?

Seems unlikely to happen to me.

No fun going drinking at a bar with a mask on.

I did that yesterday. Outdoor patios whenever available, masks on when not drinking, etc…

And I’m really wondering about ski season. Seems to me we can be outdoors, they can handle separating people n the lifts…(lines will be longer, but oh well…) but what do we do when it’s -10F and we need a lodge to warm up?

Seems unlikely to happen to me.

That seems like very low risk to me. Outdoors and super easy to mask up at all times - many people already wear ski masks so just add a mouth cover to that.

Doesn’t bother me at all. For all anybody knows, I might actually be good looking.


the outdoor part is totally low risk, I agree.

It’s the day lodge part that is troubling.

People coming in to get warm, lowing noses and hacking…

My family would be fine - we’re happy to brown bag it and eat outside whenever it’s possible. But there are days when it’s zero or below when you simply have to warm yourself up.

LImit ticet sales so you can social distance in teh lodges?

This kind of stuff makes me take notice

“If all of us would put on a face covering now for the next four weeks, six weeks, we could drive this epidemic to the ground,” he said.

Space out seating in lodges as well. Ward off half of each large table, f.e.

I’ve been to a bar recently (actually a microbrewery). We had to wear masks except when seated at a table and the tables were set about 8-10 feet apart

Yeah…that’s what they have to do.

But have you ever seen a lodge in vermont over x-mas break? You can’t move in them they get so crowded. Even the less commercial places are jammed.

I don’t know…hopefully they get it figured out.

Our local spot is doing that outdoors. Just not the same as a happy hour, moving around, seeing everyone, but it’s the best we can do right now. I’m about damn ready for someone to pour me a draft beer instead of all the cans and bottles I’m going through at home…

Same, that’s why I didn’t renew my Ikon season pass


Might finally upgrade my back country set up and just plan on that. Problem is I live in NJ, so finding dependable back country snow requires a long drive…

If you pay attention you will hear someone sneezing or coughing in every lift line. Even though they’re mostly outdoors ski resorts are like petri dishes. Ive never got sick as often as I did when I worked at a resort

This is an interesting study and the best evidence I have seen thus far on the effectiveness of face coverings.

If only our President would pay attention to this. We’ve known this for awhile, it’s just that now the evidence is becoming overwhelming

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Sick how, common cold or worse ?

As far as COVID, it appears outdoor transmission rate is significantly low

A review of 7,000 cases in China documented only a single instance of outdoor transmission — but it apparently occurred during a long conversation between two friends. One of them had just returned from Wuhan, the center of the outbreak.