Student Who Claimed to be the Victim of a Hate Crime at Pence's Wife's School - Lied

No idea what you are babbling on about.

Thats what makes America great again.

I got a heart. How you like dem apples?

Oh I know you have a heart and its open to my friendship.

Give us a hug Sneaky.

I can see you’re embarrassed. Have a nice evening.

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What about? Why such a reaction to me just wanting a hug with my bro? Your a good guy Sneaky and as I said before the real you is what I see flashes of more and more.

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I am trying hard not to be a PITA- but 6 year olds should not get Fs. If a kid doesn’t do well on an assessment, a teacher or para should give the assessment again in a one to one situation, to see if the issue is attention, indifference, just a bad day, or a learning issue. Then- address the problem. That might mean RTI tier one, or a call home, or a different seat closer to the teacher. At some point, it could mean a referral to child study team. It should not mean an F- that’s just not useful.


And your right…I asked my wife about this today. It was not an F. It was 6 out of 11 entered into the grade book. The child as I said has 92 to 94 percent in the subject. It’s not like she’s struggling. I gave the F grade. She gives number grades. Or percentages. My point in all of it was this. She has equivalent to an A at 92-94%. What was the parent so worked up about? The kid didn’t follow directions. That is what happens. This isn’t my wife’s rule. This is the corporation. The student has no issues.

:blush: I get it. But someone should delve into the directions thing. Is it an attention issue, or a language comprehension issue? First grade is when those problems are identified, and that’s when interventions can really be effective.

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Not worried about that. My wife and I both have back grounds in developmental disabilities and special Ed. She usually identifies issues in the first week. This girl just disregarded the instructions in attempt to get done first. They do that at that age.

Same here. Today. There is no way we would be doing this.

Wonder why she said her attackers were white?
Did the girl or her family explain that?

Newsflash, first graders have been getting F’s as long as we’ve had F’s and First Graders.

What consequences will she face? In this life I mean …

It may go as far as a stern talking to. Who knows, maybe even a few minutes of brow beating!

She needs to be expelled from that institution.

By their own hands!

Or by Donald’s! Whatever is necessary to remove their existentialist threat to him and therefore America!

Nope by their own hands thanks to Obama’s attempted coup!

Nothing Donald does is outside the rule of law or ethics, up to and including making sure the DEMOCRATS go down with their Clinton-Obama traitor Russia Collusion Hoax illegal coup leaders!