Strong Government/less freedom

And I see your attempts to deceive people of your real intentions. So typical I’ve come to expect from attorneys.

You want to continue making this personal…I can go all day here.

Notice when you talk about dangers of goverment…same ones always come out saying it’s all conspiracy theories to cover their intentions.

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The predominant message is reduce beef and other meat consumption because it is incredibly wasteful of clean water.

Every man Yearns to be free. Liberty is social agreement.

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KFC fell off. All hail Queen Popeye

I like that and it’s very close to what I know.

It’s pretty much how I use it in context when I say liberty and freedom. Freedom is God given right and liberty agreement between men.

Now that cats out of the bag…

“No libs” is very different than tens of millions; in fact its night and day.

Reducing consumption of meat will reduce the water footprint.


Yes. You’ve figured it out. We’re all plotting against you.

We’re all evil lib plotters, secretly plotting to take away your beef.

It’s not possible that I’m just a guy who likes to argue on the internet, because that wouldn’t allow the feelings of victimization.

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Again I expect better from well educated attorney…one that studied under Turley. :wink:


There’s a reason for that…

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I say it:

Freedom from

Liberty to


That’s nice. I did not expect any better from you, though.

Luckily for us, you don’t speak for the American people.

It’s an interesting case of catastrophizing because we want to encourage society to not consume a product as often as they are that requires 10-15,000L of water per kg to produce.

Yes…good way of looking at it as well. I’ve seen you use it before.

Good…but yet you can’t seem to stop following me.

Wonder why? :thinking:

Founders. Liberalism.

And how would you go about doing just that?