Stop calling it Biden presidency

Yep…and stirred up pure hatred like I’ve never seen before in this country. Then in 2020, those same voted with their feeeeeelings, instead of calculating all of the good that was done for our country applying their brain. Know anyone like that? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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You think those in 2016 didn’t vote with their feelings? Forgotten man ring a bell?

But anyway this is a Biden thread.

…and I’ll take that as a Brandonite “yes”.

See this so the rhetoric that needs to be made national. Conservative politicians should spew it from the every pulpit they can find. These are the true feelings of the base.

Everything bad everything good. Everything monochrome.

All of the good that he did which would have ensured an actual landslide victory for him he pisses away and after he lost he made it worse.

Without covid he wins 44 states and or a 2012 Obama like landslide. Easily.

Doesn’t mean that feelings aren’t the reason he made it into the office in the first place.

Either you want new ideas or you want swamp creatures. That witch Hillary lives to amass power for herself and the elitists around her. Your talking out if both sides of your mouth.

Who does the socialist democrat party have to offer that’s anything but old white and a creature of Washington…

Boot uhhhhh Judge??? He couldn’t even govern a midsized city? Warren, Sanders, card carrying gerentocratics (if that’s a word), the sitting Vice President is hated by the vast majority of the country?

Personally I would prefer Trump sit this one out…I m just not interested in that circus as the leftist media once again pees all over itself trying to destroy the man…

You want non gerentocracy…I give you good governors like Ron DeSantis and Kristie Noem…Republican run states are doing pretty well across the country. Senator Tim Scott (i could vote for a DeSantis Scott ticket right now)…maybe throw Nikki Haley in there…

You want out of the old swamp creatures from DC camp your gonna have to get out of the democrat party.

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I absolutely agree with this. Which 80 year-old do I get to vote for this time?


Right, you’re just responsible for your own actions is all. :wink:

The decent thing to do when one doesn’t like the platter of poo presented to them is to vote third party.

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I think Newsome is a better choice.

Newsome VS Desantis…Rumble for the soul of the land.


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No one named “Gavin” should ever be President.

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Did not try at all compared to Obama and FBI.

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That weasel had no business surviving the recall against Elder by such a large margin.

Gavin is young and appealing and charming and totally Pelosi Authoritarian…It’s what the voters want.

They have hid the Getty connection pretty well.

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This is exactly why Desantis needs to be the R choice.

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Libs/democrats best and brightest.

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I agree…whether that cesspool is a Dem cesspool or a GOP cesspool.


He needs the motor chair that beeps once for yes and twice for no.

I disagree. That is just the same as not voting at all.

i’m telling you…

she aint done

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