Stock market will soar if Warren is president

Off topic.

Is it? Strange.

Probably more than Warren, I don’t think Trump was ever behind if at the most just a little behind. Biden was up over 20 points for the longest time possible.

And this is were the conversion will turn if the market does implode under one of the two (Notice they are not talking about Biden, many on Wall Street prefer him over Trump) this only pertains to Warren, as they think Bernie doesn’t have a chance. It wasn’t that long ago “Occupy Wall Street” was a movement, I am sure these losers are warming up to come bat.

I’m talking about the general election. Most of the “experts” you’ve cited were certain Trump was going to lose the general election.

They haven’t addressed the elephant in the room that Warren and Sanders are not the democrats of yesterday they are far to the left of Obama. Imagine if Sanders drops out? Warren will skyrocket.

We’ll be fine.

The market will fall and then it’ll rise again once the FUD dies down. And you know who will bank on both ends? The ■■■■■■■ threatening this. They are just using Warren as a scape goat.


Maybe but was there ever a time Trump was down 20-30 points nationally? Warren was for the longest time. Even if the so called experts got Trump wrong, they had to know that with his polling in the primaries there was at least a decent chance he could win, which is why they are freaking now on Warren she has a clear path to win that she didn’t have for over a year.

With just over 3 months to go before the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primaries - Biden is in 4th place in Iowa (Only 5% of his supporters are under 45 years old there) and 3rd place in New Hampshire. At that point he has to be able to pull out something only two presidents before him did (One being Bill Clinton) lose the first two states and still win the nomination.

and if some far leftoid does not get the nom, Dem turnout will drop…

If you read the article the ones that are speaking out all said they would vote for Biden they are just terrified of Warren and Sanders. I had to sit and watch the end of conservatism with the election of Donald Trump in the primaries which basically altered the republicans platform. The democrats have not addressed the Sanders/Warren problem in their party in which they have even more fuel since Hillary lost in 2016.

Time is running out on Biden if he keeps fading. Why hasn’t Obama endorsed Biden? I don’t think people realize the primaries start in three months with all media attention being put on Ukraine and Russia.

Trump is more than enough motivation to bring out the Dem vote in droves.

So many concerned conservatives. Cheers!

The article is about democratic donors on Wall Street.

[quote=“Hexenbiest, post:52, topic:221260”] I had to sit and watch the end of conservatism with the election of Donald Trump in the primaries which basically altered the republicans platform.

Do you see the GOP nominating someone similar (or worse) after Donald’s gone? Can conservatism reassert itself or is it truly dead and buried?

What will happen to the Republicans if Trump is found guilty?

Not going to happen.

Imho it’s gone at the national level, unless the economy drops drastically under a democrat president and they vote out of fear. The ever changing demographics hasn’t sunk the GOP but it has destroy conservatism.

In the house? Who knows. At the Senate level there is a better chance seeing Zeus arrive on earth than the republican controlled senate impeaching the president.

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Will anti-intellectualism and populism be the permanent replacement, or does that leave the party when Trump does?