Steve King endorses Faith Goldy: Is He a White Supremacist?

It is weird that there is such a lack of support for him today.

I think it’s pretty clear.

It means that much to him?

I think so. Having like minded people in positions of power gives him and his views more validity.

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Because Steve King is a racist pile of ■■■■■

You are correct

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Last year, I said that I too was a “white nationalist”. I’m both white and I love my country. What I didn’t know was how the PC liberal media was spinning the word to actually mean…white supremacist. It’s sort of like how the current PC liberal media is spinning immigrants with illegal aliens. They are totally different but when attempting to sell your agenda, you group the two together. This is the exact same thing. Faith is making headway and come out of nowhere and to surge in the polls for Toronto Mayor. The establishment has kept her out of the debates and refusing to run her political ads. The left is exposing their true fascist ways right now because they’re running scared. I don’t blame you. You’re on the wrong side right now but be glad…you’ve got your ole buddy Smyrna here to keep pointing in the…right…direction.

White Nationalists is the term that White Supremacists use so they don’t sound so Nazi like.

They also like to use “Western Chauvinist”

Making White Supremacy Great Again.

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I wouldn’t know… I don’t associate with people that hate…except those…that hate, hate.

Well… Faith Goldy got fired from Rebel Media… Canadian Right Wing media… for cozying up with the Daily Stormer.

So even the Right Wing sees her as extreme.

She went to Charlottesville and reported when ordered not to by Ezra Levant. The owner of The Rebel did not want to be painted as “extreme”. Her reporting was fair and accurate. I don’t have a dog in this fight and enjoy both Ezra and Faith’s POVs.

Yeah… but it was being interviewed by the Daily Stormer that got her fired.

She repeated words that are commonly denoted as white supremacist. It was then twisted into this being her core belief which it isn’t.

There’s a parable that Jesus tells where He compliments a crooked accountant for being so creative at being crooked. Jesus then tells us that The Sons of Light should be as creative at doing good, as the sons of darkness are at being sinful. We are instructed to get right in the middle of the crap but don’t come out stinking. It’s an excellent parable that I attempt to apply in my own life. I believe Faith does the exact same thing. She gets right in the thick of it all but she’s is shining Light on it to expose the darkness but some…attempt to spin it as if that’s actually how she thinks IMHO.

Nah… look at the reprobates like Stefan Molyneaux that she pals around with.

Lie down with dogs and all.

What in the world does being a “white nationalist” mean to you?

So then…Ezra must be pretty stupid then for hiring her in the first place? Isn’t it amazing that she could have hid her true feelings from him for such a long time?

Yeah… he was stupid.

I never, ever thought about the word or the meaning until a tad over a year ago. How would you label “The Proud Boys”?

Western Chauvanist… which is code for White Nationalist.