Steel workers beginning to understand they got conned

You realize this is average? We are looking at an 11% wage increase over 3.5 years…

No they dont…

It is… in everyway

Just an antidote but my kid works for a start up tech company not in SF or Seattle. He’s gotten 3 job promotions, each with a great raise in the almost 2 years he’s been there. Plus, now they are paying 100% for him to get an Executive MBA. Not bad for 25 yr old,

In his company’s last funding cycle they raised $100 million and then acquired a company in France that is in the same business.

My husband has worked for NYS almost 30 years and has never been in a union. Not all govt workers are in unions.

Totally over-payed. Blame the Unions! Argle bargle argle bargle. :laughing:


What sucks is that it took both sides of the aisle decades to sell out these workers to place them in the present financial position they’re in. Trump is attempting to undue it in less than a year and there’ll be some tough times while those that benefitted overseas…hold on with everything they’ve got.


Sigh. Get some facts. Then post.

Labor-intensive manufacturing has no reason to return.

Which “side” is virulently anti-union?

So the 180 has happened democrats are the new hardcore GOP free trade at all cost party? Sanders campaigning didn’t sound that way.

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As long as computers keep getting faster and Moore’s Law stays true, the “tech industry” will never “peter out”.

Amazon is opening new facilities in New York and Crystal City, VA. You must have heard.

Amazon alone employs about 4 times as many people as the entire US steel industry.

Yeah…NAFTA…signed while Clinton was in office…had nothing to do with it IYO…right?

NAFTA is why Republicans are virulently opposed to unions? That’s a new one.

You do realize that it was Bush Sr. who laid the foundation for NAFTA to be established, right?

Yes…both sides of the aisle helped place our workers in the present position “we” find ourselves in. What I remember most is when Ross Perot called it then what we’re experiencing today. “That giant sucking sound will be all the jobs leaving the US.”

Wait. I thought we have historically low unemployment numbers. trump said so.

All jobs do not pay the same…agreed? Now ask yourself why some governments feel inclined to dictate a minimum wage of $15/hour? The jobs I am referring to paid well enough for people to support families without government interference.

GM auto workers beginning to understand they got conned

Same with farmers.