Statues - What is to be Tolerated or Repressed?

Did the residents of Newark get a vote?

I’m asking.

That’s sort of how they got put up in the first place.

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They tore down George Washington as well everyone should see were the line is for the hard left any old white man statue gone.


Ah, but we do in fact know on the basis of Martin’s phone call that he managed to leave that area but apparently turned around to go back. Martin could have walked away. We would have never heard of either man.

There were actually two encounters that night. The one Zimmerman chose to start that resulted in nothing because the guy he was pursuing got away. The one Martin chose to start by going back to confront a “creepy-ass cracker” (how I took it) or a “creepy ass-cracker” (some say Martin thought the other guy to be a homosexual) and that encounter cost him his life.

Y’all aren’t doing this right.

Where do you stand on them?

A statue that I would disagree with that is, for example, sitting on state land in California or on Federal land in Maine … really has no impact on me. For that matter, such a statue in Denver (an hour and a half from where I live) likewise has no impact on me.

I could live with the zip code suggestion, or even expand it to my city, or to my Congressional district.

Well, first of all, can we stipulate that we are talking about statues on public ground? Private property can do what it wants, in accordance with local laws, zoning, etc.

If this the case, first rule: no Confederates.

Read the op.

None at all?

On the pedestal, of course😏

Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.

None, but I would be interested to read your counter point.

How about Ben and Henry McCulloch? Can we put up/leave statues to them in Texas?

They already tore down Albert Pike’s in Virginia on Juneteenth last year.

Yeah, after being arrested for pulling a shotgun on his girlfriend and again for fighting with his estranged wife, why wouldn’t you believe his account.

  1. Any statue of past historical event is fine
  2. anyone can see this won’t stop at slave owners but anything pre civil rights.
  3. Tearing statues down is a sign of a society in decline.
  4. Statues can’t hurt you unless you climb on one and fall down, unless one believes they are haunted.

Anyone things they can strike a deal with the far left idiots are fooling themselves they will not stop until they are either stopped or tear down everything not just statues.

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When did he do that? Lol

That is why, after consideration, I say “no Confederates”.

To avoid getting bogged down in exceptions and so forth. It is better to just draw a bright line.

It has to be done officially, I don’t disagree at all with that. Tearing ■■■■ down is unacceptable.

What about Longstreet?

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