Statues - What is to be Tolerated or Repressed?

Let’s talk statues of people on the people’s ground. What should we tolerate or repress. Feel free to add in school names, streets, flags, etc.

I’ll start:

  1. Davis and Lee - repress
  2. Confederate flags - repress
  3. N.B. Forrest - repress

How about:

  1. Sam Houston?
  2. LBJ?
  3. Jbiden (when the time comes)?
  4. George Floyd (already up)?
  5. Michael Brown (where it really all started)?
  6. Trayvon Martin?

Tear them all down. Put no more up.


You have issues playing games correctly.

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I am the game. :sunglasses:


I’m happy there is a statue of Stevie Ray Vaughan in Austin.


The only people that should have a say are those with in the zip code the statues reside. If you’re outside of that zone, repress your feelings and grow up.

Some are on state property and some on federal property.

I don’t know what the line is anymore. Portland “protestors” tore down Lincoln, so whatever.


Then I’ll leave that to the feds or state governments to decide and the voters can decide if they agree.

I think every white guy statue erected before 1865 should be torn down. Is that acceptable to BLM? Only blacks, native Americans, POC statues from here on out.

I agree with this.

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Yes…you are and happy fathers day my friend. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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How about the one on a corner in Winslow Arizona?

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For these examples in particular, what would be your objection? If you have an objection.

My first one without a father. I’d put up a statue of him.


Leave it to the individual communities.

The people in that township should decide.

If it is on state level property, then it should be added to a referendum.

That’s the fairest way to do it.

IMO, there shouldn’t be any statues glorifying unrepentant Confederates. Longstreet I’m cool with because he made amends. He voluntarily commanded black militia to fight redshirts (basically the Louisiana version of the Klan) during the reconstruction period in Louisiana.

But that’s just my opinion. I’m not going to force my way into another town and tear down the statue over it. Because that is fascistic behavior and I abhor fascism. It should be left to the people to decide. If the people decide to keep them, then that is how it should be.

People tearing their way into city squares to destroy public property is disgusting. And it should not be tolerated. No matter what the statue represents. There’s a right way to do things and a wrong way to do things.


Michael Brown was a criminal and an attempted cop killer. He was a scum bag. He doesn’t deserve any honors whatsoever.

Trayvon is a little more complicated, but from the data it seems like he took what was a fight into the lethal zone by bashing Zimmerman’s head into the pavement. Assuming that is the exact circumstance of how it played out, Zim was right to shoot him.

George Floyd was a victim. Not a hero. Building statues to him, the elaborate funeral… he didn’t deserve any of that. The guy had a dark past. A very dark past. He was a murder victim. Not a MOH awardee.


And by “from the data” I assume you mean what George Zimmerman claimed.

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Absent a credible competing view that’s all we have to go on.

On a personal level, I believe Zimmerman started it. His personality and what he did after that event leads me to believe it.

But on the incident on the ground. That’s difficult to really determine. Escalation applies.

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