States Trump Off/On the Ballot

if it comes to that they will. but it wont be called that they will call it “maintaining democracy” or something and joe and mika will repeat it for them


as you can see though, democrats would not allow it. letting trump back into the WH is absolutely not an option

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I hope the Secret Service is paying attention …

I hope you’re right, but there seems to be a division in politics on political opponents. I could be wrong, speaking for myself. I don’t hate Biden. I don’t like probably any of his policies but I don’t hate the man. I actually liked some of Obama’s first term it wasn’t until DACA that I turned on him but again not the man just some of the politics.

There are people in this country (a lot of them) that actually hate Donald Trump and despite already living four years under him think if he wins the fourth Reich will be implemented. Now personally I think this has to do with people that take politics to serious and have made politics their new religion. It’s either that or they’ve let the media brainwash them that he is the banality of evil.

Either or unfortunately I think they are going to be serious opposition to him trying to keep him from taking office, we already seen it with them trying to bar him in certain states. I would like to think it would end there, but there’s no reason not to think it’s going to continue.

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it’s the media. trust me. regardless all true!

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when they find a way to force trump to trial leading up to or even around election time, will this be “election interference?”

Wade: " I didn’t know you smoke after sex ".
Fannny: " I didn’t either, I never looked "… :clap: :dancer: :clap: :dancer:

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Even the " Wise Latina " fell in line. :wink:

Typical Dimbulbcrat blowhard posturing.
Of course they will. They did it in 2016!

That article is a lot of conjecture. I honestly doubt that will happen. Though of course any democratic congressional members who are entering into that type of speculation deserve to be derided.

But on the flip side you cannot condemn this type of talk and then be okay with Trump is he loses and starts election fraud talk.


Show Me The Money!!!

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Ol’ fanny must be pretty disgusting if she had to pay wade to sleep with her.


Pretty obvious if you are able to see.



he’s allowed to question the election integrity

i’m old enough to remember when it was all the rage in 2016/2017


no one hardly ever “derides” democrats

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In 2016 we saw nothing like the insane claims made by the right. We had lawyers talking about releasing The Kraken. We had Trump supporters marching on the capitol,

In addition there is no high profile democrat who continues to refer to dems being cheated by fraud in speeches, social media posts.

Heck on this forum all the Trump supporters still cry fraud and create threads on it.

oh how horrible. people exercising the first amendment

no but hillary went around the world and whined about trump being “illegit” remember when you watched her on rachael maddow? if she really believed it you can bet she would have challenged it outside of being a baby sore loser

they cried about trump and russia collusion too


Lol the cult runs deep,

weak. there is absolutely no “cult” behavior in my posts. “cult” is believing in and putting all stock in ridiculous narratives about j6, and pee tapes dossiers etc

reflect a little. journal if you have to.

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