States Trump Off/On the Ballot

It is spelled out in the story.

"The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of state officials removing Trump’s name from the ballot,

It also says that when sorted by Party, 78% of Democrats think that.

Thansk I missed that last part. As with all polls I am still to be convinced that what amounts to a meaningless number of voters is somehow an insight to the entire electorate. And yes my opinion on all polls has been consistent in all my years posting on this forum.

Polling companies convince people they provide a meaningful service for $$$$.

Keeping an insurrectionist con man out of office is saving the democracy.

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Polls are taken using statistics to extrapolate results from a relatively small number of respondents, and most of the big ones do pretty good. But they all come with a calculated margin of error (usually 3-5%) which if applied to the given results can have a significant effect on the results. Most poll readers fail to note that margin of error when their guy is at the top of the list.

keep him out of the WH no matter what it takes, huh?

Yeah i understand the margin of error but I still think your local bookie has a better insight into political events than pollsters. Look at how people are betting.

Politicians use polls to convince the electorate that to vote against them is useless so either stay home or vote for them.

That’s probably true, but you’re comparing apples with oranges.

Their desperation is showing.

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Yep. They must be looking at polls.

“Cook County Circuit Judge Tracie Porter” … who the ■■■■ does she think she is?

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What do you suppose this is all about? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You can bet it’s not about illegal aliens.

Guess these geniuses never heard of the USSC?

Its obvious to me, she is talking about the response to the countless and unfounded fraud accusations.

If multiple states are hit with the same accusations then it makes sense for those states to coordinate.

But you may have a different take.

She told you what it’s about.

democrats and the rest of the corrupt politi-verse will make sure trump does not get back in the WH. keeping him off the ballot was just one tool among many that they floated.

mark my words. bet me if you want we’ll make it count

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Are they planning an “insurrection “?

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The conspiracy has apparently begun. Isn’t conspiracy to engage in an insurrection sufficient grounds to arrest, charge, and try the participants?


If Trump wins then he wins and becomes President. The election needs to be certified and everyone moves on. No one should try and stop that especially with any stupid psuedo constitution interpretations. However if Biden wins then the same had to apply.