States rights are important?

Not at all. ©Your voice is being drowned out by the other conservatives in the thread

Ah so. Well, I’m not a conservative, I’m a liberal.

And you replied to me when I laughed at “interstate commerce”.

Not to mention by the Chief Conservative head of the party…

Which was tossed out the window at Waco…

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How odd… You Libs are blaming Trump for the continued Covid deaths as if he is supposed to be able to magically make them all stop from the White House in Washington DC, but when it comes to dealing with problems like a horrendous spike in murders and crime, things he actually CAN do something about from Washington DC, suddenly, it’s the state governor and mayor’s responsibility. Trump needs to stay out…

Wish you guys would make up your minds.

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I pretty much stopped reading after the “you libs” bit here since I’m conservative. But I’m sure it was fun writing the post


Other countries have handled COVID much better. Why can’t we?

What can the WH do about crime in cities? How can they influence that?

Also, isn’t crime just the price of freedom?

That’s what I’m told every time I suggest we do something about mass and school shootings.

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Gotta be able to read…

Ask the governors of each state that isn’t meeting your standards, then come back and full us in here in Hannity Land what their excuse was? I’ll wait right here… :sunglasses:

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You suggested the WH could do something about crime.

But not about COVID?


edit - sorry - I mean the poster I was responding to suggested that.

Anarchists should be stopped no matter what it takes.

That’s what it is now not protests anymore.

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The WH can do something about crime because crime isn’t a contagious virus. COVID has now been introduced to us on a national scale. What the President can do, since the governors blew it, is fund a vaccine, which he started working on very early.

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Is he actually going to do anything this time besides sit in his bunker and tweet “LAW AND ORDER !!!” ??

Yes and it should be dealt with on a national scale as well

Trump read?


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I hope so. The dems running the cities sure as hell are not. Never have.

That’s why I love Ann Coulter, she tells it like it is and she knows that Trump does nothing:

Now, hordes of these cretins have taken control of the streets, and the only pushback is the president cowering in the White House, tweeting “LAW & ORDER!” Yes, Churchill retreated to a basement, too — in Whitehall, where he planned a war that saved the world. He didn’t tweet out “HITLER! BAD!”


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He might build a wall around the White House, deploy a few extra Secret Service agents, ant tweet about how safe he feels

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