State of the Union Location

When I asked what choice he had, I was addressing not delivering it in the House. None of your options include delivering it on the House floor so…

Further I suggested an alternative, so it shouldn’t have been difficult to ascertain I realized delivering it in another way remained an option.

I know, I just think its funny that such a great negotiator sitting in an oval office backed himself into a corner.

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He should do it in Charlottesville.

What’s wrong with Charlottesville? You know it’s pretty much a liberal college town right?

Numerous choices…plenty of options out there…you just gave one…still would have been bad optics but what else is new

I would have a press conference and declare a National Emergency with no Questions.

#1 addresses it.

Open the government. Give the SOTU like normal.

The government could be reopened by the end of the day if he wanted.

OK, I’ll buy that.

I am so surprised that totally caving is your preferred option.

Whether it’s my preferred option is irrelevant.

You said none of the prooodals resulted in delivering the SOTU in the House. You were wrong.

I’m sure he will do something to call attention away from the fact he actually has acceded to Pelosi’s request to delay the official SOTU until the shutdown is over.

He should do it in the public corrals in Missoula Montana. Barnyard Style

and being the subject to adulation by half of the audience.


KKK rally.

Miller knows the way and that’s basically his base now.

I’ll give Trump $1,000 to do it in front of the golden doors at Trump Tower.

And how much so called liberals loved them some Trump

This is what con men do and this is what the con man is currently doing to the Republican party.

Because trump is giving it and trump is a pathological liar?

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Chuck E. Cheese would be the perfect venue for a trump SOTH. The kids would ignore him and the adults are too busy trying not to touch anything in the kid germ infested place.

From you mouth to reality…Good call.