Starbucks strikes

I never worked union and the “evil” corp i worked 40 years for had great benefits and a good bit better pay than comparable
union jobs.

A union did try to unionize us at one point and we voted them down 75 percent to 25 percent.

You are right. The optimum brewing temperature for coffee is 200 +/- 5 degrees. You will find, however, that almost no coffee maker, either commercial or home, brews at that temperature, likely for the same reason … to protect dumb people from themselves.

Right. None of them do. But a percolator does. My mother used to make coffee with that and just the fumes would burn your eyebrows off.

A lot depends on what you’re doing. Unions are best for rank and file employees. Those that are easily replaced.

Oh i was definately rank and file as most of us were.

Percolators ruin the coffee by over-heating it. Each burst of coffee that squirts up the tube to the grounds (over and over and over … recycling the coffee through the grounds until the desired concentration is achieved) is at the boiling point. You can make far better coffee with a manual drip maker where you pour just-boiled water over the grounds only once. A silex coffee maker produces great coffee too.

That is exactly what I do I don’t even use the pot. I use the thing that holds the filter, and pour the water into that over a cup.

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I was in a family with telephone operators, truck drivers, supermarket cashiers, toll collectors, yes, more than 1, and Verizon entry level office work. I can’t really speak for jobs or companies I have little information about other than Amazon, as I know multiple people working for them. There’s little doubt the employees would benefit from a union there. But I can see why Amazon wouldn’t like that.

Oh we made much more than Amazon. In fact when they printed auto workers pay during the 2008 meltdown and 2009 bailout i found out we made more than those guys too.

Didn’t have to lose money going on strikes to get it either.

My point is some places would actually be worse off with a union.

Others would be better off of course.

Oh I agree. It has its place. But I didn’t mention Amazon due to pay. I made more at entry level in Verizon in 1990 than Amazon workers make now. At top pay that is.

Amazon is not a terrible place to work for as some might suggest. But it’s not as good as some people think either. Their standard operation procedure would be tweaked by a union. That’s where they’d benefit most.