South Carolina GOP primary thread

That’s gonna be a huge afghan when she gets done knitting.


“Self-described Republicans made up a sizable majority of the South Carolina primary electorate on Saturday (68%), and Trump once again carried these voters by an overwhelming margin, winning 72% to Haley’s 28%.“

in her state. ouch

She’s wrecked her chances for 28.

Probably be someone like DeSantis in 28.

Haley has big $$$ behind her. They’re running the show and Haley will be the useful Demoncrat idiot they intend her to be.


Big Dem money behind her.

Well the registered Dims voted and a good percentage of them voted Republican! :crazy_face: Now, how many voted for Haley and how many voted Trump!


Yup! And why aren’t Dimbulbcrat donors getting behind‘Ol Blockhead?

Yes. Too early to tell if this is a lasting trend. Will be more clear after Super Tuesday.

perhaps, but how exactly did he “underperform?”

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“Trump underperforming” is the latest in “get Trump”, TDS derangement, lamestream media lying and Dims realization they’re stuck with OBiden agenda babbling du jour.
Not to worry they’ll be more to follow.


He is not the chosen candidate for a significant amount of Republicans. How many of them will vote biden or stay home remains to be seen.

Same can be said of Biden. It will be a race for turnout of the faithful.

Pre election polling had him winning by a certain margin. He won my margins below those predictions. Therefore he underperformed based on pre-election polling.

People talking about underperforming need to wait till the next primaries. Haley’s only chance to stop Trump was NH the other candidates cleared out of the race like she wanted and she lost in a primary that was open and she just lost her home state by 20 points it just goes down from here on out for her, the margins are going to get ugly from here on out.

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And 2004, and 2000, and … :wink:


And libs everywhere are secretly asking themselves, "Why do I keep smiling as the dems spit lies on my face? :thinking: "

Lots of (D)upes. Lots of buyer’s remorse. :wink:


just remember 100,000,000 democratic mail in ballots for comrade Biden have already been cast

care to share the specifics, or you just gonna regurgibleat narratives? as always

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Of course.
Anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together can see that.

Wait…you think if Trump wins in 2024, he is leaving in 2028?
