Sounds like US is pulling out of Iraq

Truer words were never spoken.

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So they sent a letter saying we were pulling all the troops but that was a mistake and what they meant is that…um…we are gonna maybe kinda move some troops around but we could leave and maybe put sanctions on you but we might not…unless you are really really nice to us!!!

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That letter never sounded real. Did that really read to you like something official from the US government? Did you even read it?

What’s even funnier is Trump hate in this thread.

Not appeasement.

A policy of non-interference is not appeasement.

Appeasement is the act of deliberately giving another government something it wants in return for a promise of non-aggression.

Non-interference is a policy of minding our own *******, asking nothing and promising nothing.

Iran deal…

They will be allies with Iran before we know it.

Pretty well sums up the situation. Clear as mud. I’m sure all of the soldiers who have been recently deployed, or are currently deployed, are very thankful for the clear communication from leadership on these matters. :man_facepalming:


Sounds like US is pulling out of Iraq

Hang on a minute! NOPE!

US Defense Secretary Esper says no decision to leave Iraq

WASHINGTON (AP) — Defense Secretary Mark Esper says the United States has made “no decision” about withdrawing troops from Iraq amid heightened tensions with neighboring Iran.

Esper spoke to reporters Monday after a letter from a U.S. Army general circulated that seemed to suggest a withdrawal had been ordered in response to a vote by the Iraqi Parliament over the weekend.

Esper says, “There’s been no decision whatsover to leave Iraq.”

Just more incompetence from the Trump administration.

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Total chaos. Just completely nutbaggery.


So where do you stand? Pull out like the hated Obama did? Or stay in our expensive bases like trump wants?


Why did trump let Putin have our expensive bases in Syria?

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It is beyond insane that this is what some people in this nation actually cheer for and support. We are so screwed as a country.

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Nah- sending a letter to iraq saying all our troops are leaving and then saying that wasn’t true…is an example of how we hate Trump…or something something garble garble.


Sometimes you gotta share a rough draft to take in criticism. You hate the learning process.


Trial balloons, and all of that.


Why’s everybody always picking on Trump*? You big meanies.


I’m sure this is just an example of Trump playing eleventh dimensiony chess by saying we are staying, then that we are pulling out, then that we are staying. It just shows that he only hires the best and the brightest.

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Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley: “That letter is a draft, it was a mistake, it was unsigned, it should not have been released…poorly worded, implies withdrawal, that is not what’s happening”

The incompetence is astounding.