So why no leaked calls to world leaders

Yeah, they made him keep the China tarrifs and form a defense dept. task force to determine the threat posed by China. Or did he do that in his senility thinking he was sucking up to China? :slight_smile:

Well, they have come up with their own definitions for several terms.

It is almost
no it is
 like they have created their own reality of alternative facts. The funniest part of it all, they are arrogant and smug about it.

I do not believe in career politicians and what they propagate. Can you grasp that? Now
how long has Biden been in office?

Do you feel the same towards career Physicians, lawyers, scientists, educators, mechanics, electricians, engineers, managers etc

Cool fantasy bro!!!

The irony is delicious

2 state solution baby.

So in your world it’s the same thing? Once again, we are on opposite sides of the discussion.

That exists only in the imaginations of ©whiners who can’t handle that they lost an election

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Oh come on, it’s perfectly normal and expected to staff a Corporate lawyer as the head of the NLRB, or a climate change denier as the head of the EPA. Come on now.

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Choosing to work in government is a respectful and needed profession.

The hatred for everything government, has poisoned the Republican party, and many who claim to be conservatives.

Just as I want my mechanic, or physician to have ample experience working on me, or my car
I prefer those that work in government to have ample experience as well.

That includes the bureaucrats. You know them, as the deep state.


Say libs that never accepted Trump presidency.

Hey Now!

Many of us may have despised the man, and his policies. but we accepted him winning the presidency.

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Find a single post of mine claiming that he wasn’t my President or coming up with some pathetic and delusional “2 state” ■■■■■■■■■


The professions you named, generate the funds to keep them employed. That isn’t the same thing as with a politician. In fact, it’s not even close. The funds career politicians generate are corrupt and serve no other purpose but to line their pockets. The entity being served receives nothing of value. They become a parasite, sucking the life blood from their host and if you can’t see this difference, you need to wake up to the reality that’s present in your lifetime.


Sure. Never understood why people were willing to vote for him again after the benefit of the doubt was gone, but understand why he won the first time around.

If people were smart, we’d be collectively asking how we ended up choosing between Trump and Clinton or Trump and Biden in the first place. Neither party can put up better candidates? Maybe it’s time to get some new parties. Or just get rid of them altogether.

Sorry, but I do not live in the alternative fact universe y’all have created.

Are you calling pols and government bureaucrats parasites?

Like when it leaked that Trump wanted to buy Greenland and got into a tiff with Denmark wasn’t crazy.

All you have to do, is be capable of doing some math? Can you? What was the net worth of a politician entering office? How much were they honestly paid along the way? What is their net worth when they leave office? When you are capable of grasping this concept, you’ll understand better what I’ve said.