So why haven't the arbiters of racism denounced Darwin?

Did you vote for Trump? If so, you bear some responsibility for his election. Certainly more so than Hillary voters.

Bear responsibility? Peace with NKorea, record low unemployment for blacks hispanics, ISIS crushed, etc.

The mass delusion of the left boggles the mind. Every morning the delusion is refuted by reality, yet it remains stead fast. Incredible.

Sorry you weren’t following the conversation. Samm has been avoiding responsibility for Trump being president and instead is attempting to blame Hillary supporters. Yeah, I know. It’s kind of crazy.

More voters did vote for Hillary

Yea, I wasn’t following it. I shouldn’t have butt in. I’ll take all the credit you want to give me, even though my vote didn’t count. Hillary won California and its winner take all the delegates.

My employee wakes up every day in “bizzaro world” because Trump won, although lately her horror seems to have diminished a little. But I understand how she feels, cause I felt that way with Obama.

Although, given how bad his policies were for America, I like to think I had good reasons.

Trump is proving to be wonderful for America, if you love the country, want to see people work, ISIS gone, peace with N Korea. Its hard to ignore all that good news, and believe he is Hitler who will blow up the world and its economy.

Something i did not mention before regarding slavery is

  1. You do not have to be the originator of a practice to endorse it or condone it. If you give commandments and you have every opportunity to give the command to abolish it just like you command not to steal, giving rules about not only treating one group of slaves but giving separate rules for handling other slaves you are endorsing the institution itself. It does not matter if you seek to reform certain practices, you are endorsing the institution. I endorse the government of the USA as an institution, even if i do not endorse certain practices.

  2. If you have a second opportunity to rectify the situation, and you not only do not denounce it, but tell people to obey your earthly masters as you would me, you are complicit in not only continuing the practice but you are solidifying it as a moral edict.

And when I see him accomplish that I will give him all due credit.

Drudge Headline:



#1. As abolishing slavery would have caused death, not only to those defeated in war but also to entire families, it was not the “greater good” to abolish slavery. There were no government “safety nets” for the poor, infants or elderly. You would God condemn all three to certain death abolishing the only reason these were kept alive.
#2. God did rectify it, putting in the teaching of Christ the seeds for its abolition. Christ brought out the true intent of God’s creating male and female in His image. It posits all races male and female as equals. It was up to society to implement that. We did during the Civil War. It was Christians who rose up against it. Therefore, slavery was not established by the Bible, you lie.

#1a Jurisprudence. The legal system incorporated slavery as punishment. If the option of slavery didn’t exist, the punishment for many crimes would have death.

And when I see him accomplish something I will give him all due credit.

Abolition “caused” a lot of death in the civil war. Your point? If you want to be the perfect arbiter of morality that does not change, you better abolish it.

No it did not. You could buy slaves from the heathen around you and you could make your jewish slaves yours for life by bribing em with a wife. Now you are making stuff up.

No he did not put the seeds of universal abolition. Jesus clearly says slaves obey your earthly masters as you would me. The story of Moses only led jewish slaves out of egypt

This further differentiates from indentured servitude. The bible clearly lays out slaves as property that you can pass down to your progeny.

Uh, no. Since I arrived here on a spaceship, that wasn’t made by god, I’d likely wonder who built these buildings and where they went.

When I find a branch in my yard, I look up and see the tree it fell from. I don’t think god wanted this branch in my yard. If I don’t see a tree, I wonder who put this branch in my yard, I don’t assume it was a deity.

Science brings facts. There are voluminous facts that support the theory of evolution. There are no facts that point to creationism, at least for those of us that have the ability to use the brain god didn’t give us.

I think your sophomoric spewing on religion proves to me there is no god because he hasn’t struck you with lightening to stop you from trying to speak for him.

And Christians fought against it.

Here’s a hint. Southerners have always been religious than Northerners. The same was true in the 1860s.

The Baptist Church split over the issue of slavery.

It a factional war between territories. Not some Christian crusade. The majority of men on both sides were deeply religious Christians who thought that they had God’s blessing.

But here shouldn’t even be a question about this now. That he spews forth that ■■■■ is nothing short of vile.

If Hillary had won, it would. Free speech was vanishing, lunatic antifa and other deranged leftists were scouring the earth for those they could drum out of business, force to be fired, silenced by the courts.

But Hillary lost. The nutball vision of the future is being dismantled by liberty loving Americans (both Democrats and Republicans.

Leftists are fortunate we aren’t like them. We believe in free speech, even the offensive leftist speech. We won’t do to you what you planned to do to us.

He didn’t say anything about race. Why you playing the race card? Can’t defend this shyster?