So what's the next "scandal?"

No, he didn’t. The text he’s responding to didn’t appear in his message, so I have no idea what he’s talking about. Do you?

Top right corner of his post. Learn to use the forum millennial.

Ah, I see. Thanks for the tip. We’re lucky to have boomers like you around with nothing to do but spend hours a day exploring every nook and cranny of this message board. :wink:

I read the instructions when I opened the box.

I usually just open stuff and start pushing buttons.

Ok millennial.

Oh, they see it. Make no mistake about that.

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No. Completely the wrong word.

Trump is far less a threat than white male libs.

Just keep telling yourself that.

He’s right.

Keep telling yourself just that.

It’s true. Bernie for example would totally destroy us Economically.

Great Depression 2.

You know, I heard the same thing about Barack Obama in 2008.

Obama was a lefty but not a full blown socialist.

Want to see a good example of socialism try Venezuela.

Actually, its just the opposite. When you know you should vote one way, but vote the other because you think the other side will win or you are promised a kickback for doing so, you are being an opportunist hypocrite.

yu reckon mitt got a kick back from, nancy?

Ok, it’s a fact.


they will accuse Trump of bleach bit erasing unsecure hard drives that contained classified information on emails…