So, This is What 50 Years in the D.C. Swamp Gets Us? biden Should Be the Poster Boy for Term Limits

Incumbent are hard to remove. Unfortunately. Voters tend to stick to the known.

Hard, not impossible. And it has been done plenty of times, both in primary and general.

Yes it’s hard. That’s why grassly, pelosi and Mitch can run probably til they are 100.

That’s is the point. The longer they stay, the more power and influence they have. It makes it harder to rid them.

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Still, if the voters have had enough - and the challenger is attractive - they’ll vote them out. Example - Richard Lugar, the longtime (six term) senator from Indiana was unceremoniously deposed by the Tea Party challenger in 2012.

Or if they like them, they’ll keep them. And maybe they’re sincerely liked by the voters. Why should we supersede the will of the voters like we know better than them ?


Why what?

Why should it raise the SCOTUS question. Come on.

Come on? My post clearly articulated the rationale for doing so.

No, it didn’t.


In my post.
