So righties, how do you think the Biden hearings are going?

All you know is what you’re being told now.

God forbid you ever think about anything besides what you’ve been told.

And doesn’t that hurt every prior case he worked on for the fbi??

They burned him to protect biden.

Hope it was worth it.

It’s funny how the conspiracy just expands when new information that counters the previous conspiracy comes to light.


…that’s what the troughs are feeding right now to their sheople. The good news though is that since that’s true, it’s ezpz to identify a sheople. All you have to do is witness who is regurgibleating it. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Okay, you explain why the fbi didn’t investigate this claim for 3 years??

And also tell us how this new revelation should affect any previous case on which smirnov was an informant??


Exactly what I was thinking. But thats whats great about believing conspiracies any evidence that contradicts the evidence just becomes part of the conspiracy. Facts/experts do not matter anymore.


…they were too busy investigating Hunter’s laptop? :roll_eyes:

Oh…that can’t be right…according to 51 retired intelligence officers who all unitedly claimed it’s Russian disinformation.

Maybe some still trust the FBI but I do not and will not until Wray is removed and the FBI is cleansed from the top/down.

…all 51 of em…amirite? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


what Trump has done to them.

One from each state probably…

There it is!

:clap: :clap: :clap:

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Because literally everyone knew it was garbage that was laundered to the FBI via Rudy Giuliani and wasn’t worth anything until the GOP were dumb enough to try to make it a thing and then it HAS to be addressed.

They were dumb enough to try to make obvious foreign propaganda the cornerstone of their impeachment inquiry.

They could have just dropped the whole thing when they whiffed on the procedural vote last year and it honestly would have turned out better for them. Their witness is a straight up Russian agent with multiple handlers.


It’s been stated multiple times, during multiple parts of this investigation that the information obtained and presented had nothing to do with rudy guiliani.

Swing and a miss.

weiss (who let multiple chares against hunter biden expire) sat on this for 3 years, AFTER he initially refused to meet with brady and ultimately had to be forced by his superiors to meet with brady. That’s the guy now bringing charges.

Guiliani is the guy that handed off the documents to the FBI in 2020.

They were warned about this guy but the fever took over.

That was from June of last year, before the barr article i posted above, and before brady testified to this

Brady also told investigators that Giuliani was not the source for details included in the FD-1023 in question.

in October of 2023.

Your timeline and understanding of events is WAY OFF.

But that’s to be understood when you don’t ever think about anything, and just repeat idiotic tropes like GUUUULLLLIIIAAAAANNNIIIIIIIIIII!!!


They were warned that the informant was a trusted source who had been on the payroll for tens of thousands of dollars since 2010 in the *bama years. And they were told that the informant had been re-interviewed by his handler(s) in June 2020, and yet nothing was done to investigate his claims.

Now I’m gonna ask you dims a question, and I’d like a ■■■■■■■ answer.

If the dimocrats were SOOOOOOOO concerned about "russian interference in the 2020 election…

…then why didn’t anyone ever investigate these claims back in 2020??

I’ll wait…

I stand corrected.

Bill Barr was in charge then.

Maybe he saw it for what it was… garbage.