So righties, how do you think the Biden hearings are going?

There’s no life to distract some people from. They don’t have one to begin with. :wink:


I’m assuming the fbi.

At least sometime in the 9+ years he was a paid informant.

What don’t you understand about this?

This is getting Philadelphia 76ers level process though……

I’m sure the anticipation will keep until October.

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Like third week. And then Comey will release a statement - Hi. It’s meeee!

I understand that Comer has been touting this jerk as credible for several months, along with the guy who disappeared.

Last I heard Biden prosecutors said to Hunter Biden
“We refuse prosecute you for anything that might get elected Democrats in trouble.”

The Same thing the said to Sam Bankman-Fried.

It’s been much less of an issue since then.
Very very very selective prosecutions.

Hmm I wonder if we can name some leaders/parties through history who have stayed in power by doing the same.

What the hell are you talking about?


Linky, linky??

Thanks in advance.

Sam bankman seems pretty well prosecuted …

And how about Fox News? They have been riding this story for months. And now zero, zip. Their viewers will never know that this guy was dirty.
It was interesting to hear tonight a Democrat Congressman on the tube who said that if Congress keeps going with impeachment hearings based on this guys information they could be prosecuted on charges of election interference.


Oh, well here’s jamie raskin admitting it was not investigated for 3 years.

Funny timing all around.

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The Republican party is divided now between the establishment and those working for their constituents. It’s how it should be vs how our politics has developed over decades for politicians to line their pockets.

If you’re gleefully happy that Hunter and Joe’s corruption is not being addressed, it clearly displays on which side you stand. I on the other hand, want this DC corruption cleansed.

Hopefully both parties can do it, if not, consider that Pelosi was Speaker, then look at the personal wealth she’s gained during her time in office and the decline of San Francisco during this same period.

This needs to be repeated!

Indictment of FBI Informant Undermines Centerpiece of GOP’s Impeachment Case… 1

The headline alone tells you why he was indicted and the corruption continues with you loving it.

" His bribery story unraveled after the FBI last year interviewed Smirnov and reviewed his travel records, messages and emails, which “were in direct conflict with what he reported [to the FBI] in 2020,” the indictment said."

Uh, huh…and did the FBI change his emails to mean the opposite or alter some other evidence like they’ve been caught doing before or is this…different?

So why did the fbi take 3 years to finally investigate this claim from a “trusted” source??

And what was his handler doing??

All I know is that his info was bull ■■■■ .