So only 266 thousand jobs for month of April

Because there are very good jobs avail locally, and we’re offering what, because of the pandemic and travel reqs, won’t be good until your antivaxxer antimasker ilk grow up.

Yet, here you are and here I am. :woman_shrugging:

I understand the equation, knowing that in some instances, you’re right but in others, you’re wrong. Everything must be put on the table and examined, to determine the best business plan in accomplishing the entrepreneurs goals.

People work for money. Not for the bosses folksy mumblings.

That’s our whole point. I can’t get cooks to work a punishing line in a joint grossing a hundred grand a week during a pandemic at fifty percent capacity when Burger King will pay them a buck less an hour to ■■■■ everything up.

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You’re going to have to at least own that you highlit the answer and then pretended you didn’t.

We’re all old as ■■■■ though.

So, you exploit old people. Got it.

Add in the cost of healthcare, workman’s’ comp, etc. I pay 100% for dental and vision. I also contribute 50% to 401K. Health care is premium plus gap insurance.


There is no one answer my friend. Doing the exact same thing but in different parts of the country, can very well amount to different pay plans.

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I’ve been having complex feelings about a being the sharp end of the spear for the monied class as a manger these days. As a bartender I was a mercenary with a particular talent for getting women to keep my lifestyle up and I don’t know how I feel these days. Corporate is more impersonal but I’m back in a small business and it feels weird.

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Is that your interpretation? So be it but what you’re highlighting, is how little you know about what you’re talking about.

Yeah…the competion for food service workers is fierce right now. I live in a pretty small town and Burger King, McDonald’s and KFC all have $13 an hour on their signs.

Platitudes don’t address how insulting it is to pay a grown adult $12 an hour anywhere in the US. And I mean even at Goodwill.

Fast food joints are paying seventy, eighty grand a year plus full bennies for managers right now. Only my pride keeps me from doing it.

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Welp, if that is your excuse then go with it.

I held a meeting on mask requirements on Wednesday. Not required in my state anymore.

My question was, what do YOU feel comfortable with? What do YOU want to do. I let the folks discuss and come to a resolution. I threw in some questions for pondering but that is as far as I am willing to go.

What they know is I will back them 100%. Why? Because I’ve done it time and time again.

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Of course they do. They also want goals that they can reach and obtain. Start someone at the top and what do they have to work for and feel a sense of accomplishment for.

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I prefer the sharks, skill set wise. But, if you work corporate ( and I know I don’t need to explain this to you) you have to be able to smile at people you just scheduled to work their wife’s birthday, and shake the rattle at them when they call in, predictably, faking a cough. Problem with corporate are its efficiencies, because of ■■■■■■■ labor budgets that never allow for anything going wrong in an industry where everything going wrong is how they money is made.

Then again, I have a friend who swings a hammer for $100 an hour, and sometimes I wonder if a lot of arthritis might have been worth that.

This pollyanna rubbish is just too much.

Truth is, I’m almost certainly gonna jump ship over the summer because I can get ten grand a year more minimum just by existing right now. I get why I can’t rope people into working for peanuts.

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