So now McCarthy lies about easily checkable facts

3 voted present.

They voted. They didn’t abstain from voting. Only one who didn’t vote is the open seat.

E was not a choice. Try again.

McCarthy said:

Present is not counted as a vote.

E is certainly a choice. He was correct on part of his statement (not a lie), and he was incorrect on the second part of his statement (a lie if you will). No one abstained. One vote was not given, and that person hasn’t been seated yet (vacant seat).

So be genuine with your possible answers. It WAS a close vote (3 votes over the top)

Voting “present” is how one abstains from a vote.

Do you have any idea why this is so important to them?

When a bill or amendment is up for a vote, a Representative may vote “aye”, “no”, or “present”, which is a refusal to take sides. A “present” vote does not count towards or against the passage of a bill, but it contributes towards the quorum, which is the minimum number of Members required in attendance for the body to conduct business legally.

It counts toward the quarm, so the quarm would have been 234 voting members.

It’s not importants. had she lost by a vote THEN it would have been important

Yes. That’s the whole point of an abstention. It counts towards the quorum, without counting as a vote.

In a speakership election, the winner must receive an absolute majority of votes cast - not an absolute majority of the members present. An abstention does not count as a vote cast.

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Quorum is the word you’re looking for - and a quorum is irrelevant to what we’re discussing.

A quorum is the minimum number of representatives to hold a vote. It has nothing to do with the required number in speakership races.

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I don’t understand why the tap dancing around just saying he lied or made something up because those are what happened on the specific part we’re talking about here.

yes the quarm was 434 members

430/2 is 215 so 216 needed. Okay instaed of a 3 vote margin it was 4. Still a damn close call for her highness.

and I still disagree, pushing a button or voting Present should be counted as voting. Sitting there and not saying a damn word or not pressing a button should be not voting in my book.

Off topic but it’s why I don’t like baseball. Picture throws the ball. Batter swings. Bat makes contact with the ball. Ball goes sailing and batter starts to run. outfielder walks up and catches the ball. Suddenly it’s like it never hit the bat and it’s not a hit.

Because there are two distinct parts to the statement.

Part of it is truth, part is a lie. Call it both since that’s what it is.

What you’re saying is that you don’t believe Representatives should be able to abstain from voting.

That is, hands down, the most bizarre reason I’ve ever heard for not liking baseball. I can’t think of a close second.

We’re specifically talking about the lie part of what he said. There was a lie in what he said. No need to dance around it. Just call it what it is.

The speakership is not legislation.

Hopefully this puts the matter at rest.

The long-standing practice of the House is that electing a Speaker requires a numerical majority of the votes cast by Members “for a person by name.”12 This does not mean that an individual must necessarily receive a majority (currently 218) of the full membership of the House, because some Members may not be present to vote (or may instead answer “present”).13

Those three people that we have been saying voted “present” actually returned ballots that were blank. One member was home sick and one representative hasn’t been seated because it looks like he cheated and hasn’t been certified yet.

Basically everything after “it was close” was a lie in his statement.

Seriously, that guy doesn’t understand how this works. lol

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Pelosi STILL won with a greater percentage than Trump won the Presidency.


You are acting as if the GOPers would vote for her.

She received 220 votes out of 235 Ds.

94% of the Ds.