So much for the Paris Climate Accord

Roughly 28% of our power grid is now based on wind/solar - two renewable sources that cannot be relied upon during severe weather events. We had failures across the grid with every electric source, but renewables were offline first. Had resources gone towards building more nuclear or natural gas plants rather than subsidizing inconsistent green energy sources, we wouldn’t have had those issues. Ironically enough, ERCOT was formed in 1970 as a reaction to a major national blackout a few years prior - people act like an independent power grid is new to this state.

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Now if only the environmentalists wouldn’t stand in the way of the dramatic increase in the power grid that supporting that will require.

So you consider 50 years of oil a enormous supply? Sure there have been new technologies that has extended our supply. But I consider 50 years left as pretty short. Even if we do get new technologies that double that, 100 years worth is a pretty short time.

According to this article we are in pretty good shape coal wise. However coal consumption here is going down as it is a dirty source for fuel.

And I think that natural gas is a crap shoot. Between 2011 and 2019, 103 coal fired power plants were converted to natural gas. So the 59 years left number might change as more plants are converted.