So MAGA-He's Lost Again

Of course not. I didn’t say there were. This is directed at the evangelicals etc. subgroups of his supporters.

The government is not going to “fund” anything.

Come on man!

It’s over…

Not yet. Work to be done running those numbers up and down. Gotv to attend to. Weeks to go.

Talk to other voters! Don’t rely on the Internet to get the work in! Don’t sit back and do nothing!

Most important election of our lifetime (:wink:)

We vote we win :muscle:

:blue_heart: :ocean: :v: :handshake:


The odd thing is, when you go to the hill and look at the last 30 days polling, Trump is ahead.

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46% chance of winning is “over”?

10 down is.

Oh. Ok. I thought that was the odds, not the predicted percent of the vote.

Just went to the Hill. I was right. They are saying Trump has a 46% chance of winning, not that he will get 46% of the vote.

Not over.

You really know nothing about United States politics. Go back and look at all the hatred the democrats have spewed about Reagan, Bush and any other member of the party they hate.
Look at all the hatred the democrats spew toward trump and his supporters. Remember Biden calling them a threat to democracy who needed to be eliminated. Sounds like something inappropriate and wrong in my world for a sitting president to be demonizing people because they don’t bow down to the democrat party.
Now the democrats have another rotten fish running for President who hates anyone who does not support her. When the democrats say let’s all get along, they mean you all who don’t agree with us need to shut up and be silent or we will destroy you.
You are also a big supporter of the hatred because you come here to post it every chance you get. Proof I have asked you before what you hate about the democrat party and all you post about is how evil the conservative party is.

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and yet when you look at the polls over the last 30 days on 538, Trump is ahead. And in post debate polls, his lead is growing. Has it dawned on you that The hill is leftist claptrap?

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It’s over.

:rofl: No.

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Are you coming to grips with the fact that Texas is tipping blue :blue_heart: for November?


Why would I care?

The brain damaged old guy who is either dementia ridden or just a psycho gets a Sunday going in a way that is an excellent role model for young people.

He obviously knows he’s already lost.


I’m trying to imagine a scenario where Biden or Harris tweets, “I hate [insert immensely popular law-abiding American citizen, non-politician, non-terrorist].”

It’s ■■■■■■■ insane. The GOP delenda est.


We already had bidens prime time event with him saying I hate trump and his supporters. So no need to imagine.

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You see MAGA?

You see what you did?! It was in the palm of your hand!


That didn’t age well