So let’s check in on our President this Memorial Day

No memorial to fallen troops is complete without praise for the Dear Supreme Leader.

…says the Dear Supreme Leader. :roll_eyes::elephant:

Truly a class act.


The Orange Valdemort honors us by his presence, you know.

Yay. Another thread demonstrating that lefties are unhinged.

You have to admit, the orange idiot is out of his mind. He’s beginning to admit it himself.

No, it’s all part of the strategy.

Gulliani let the cat out of the bag They are working hard to convince the american public the investigation is bogus so that when the decision to impeach or not is made, americans are against it because they believe their ■■■■■■■■■

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Yeah. You should see the leftie that started a thread about Hillary Clinton wearing a coat!

Reminds me of a pack of Chihuahuas fighting over a Milk Bon.

Where is the “Trump Store”?

spot on…

valdemort … you are getting a bit too sophisticated for this common man. You are an Intelligentsia code talker, no doubt.

See his FB page

Yup. Just as stupid, in my opinion.

There are more brown people and women on that page than there are in his administration. Funny.

And the irony of course is Trump and his merchandise continuing to disrespect our flag by wearing it on clothing and violating the flag code.

But black men protesting racial injustice is unacceptable and clearly the worst disrespect of the flag possible. Because logic.

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wow. that is funny.

Yeah, because it’s so much more patriotic for liberals to piss on the flag,then it is for people to wear the likeness of the flg as clothing.