So let’s check in on our President this Memorial Day

And now will he honor the troops?

… Wow. By bragging about his accomplishments. Well, that’s awful. At least he didn’t start whining about the Investigations-

… Of course he did. Oh and there’s at least two (as I’m typing, now three!) more, and if I were a betting man I’d say there’s more to come.

Happy Memorial day all. Spend some time thanking a Veteran.


That first line should have said “how”. As in, “How do I edit posts”?

When we search for something to be angered by, we find it every time.


With everything going so well under Trump the left has to search for things to complain about, often petty.

Good to see you back again, brother. Apparently, a rumor got started while we were gone that we’re the same person. :rofl:

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As a veteran, “Happy Memorial Day” has always irked me. It’s not a day for happiness, it’s a day for quiet and respectful reflection on the sacrifices of the fallen. Unless you’re Donald Trump, in which case it’s a day for a tortured tweet about how “happy” the fallen would be to see what a great job he imagines he’s doing.


LOL no I’m way meaner to the left than you are.

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When I die, I could only be so lucky to have people BBQ and get ■■■■ faced in my honor, while having a reason to smile. That’s just me though.

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That’s what I always figured, but hey, ridiculously is the way of the web. :smiley:

I’m surprised he didn’t put in a plug for the Memorial Day sale of #MAGA swag available At the “Trump Store” for 20% off using the promo code “Remember”

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Contrast with this…


He’s a baby boomer president. A “me” commander in chief for the “me” generation.

(I’m generalizing for dramatic effect)

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And here you are.

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Hillary’s wearing a coat!!!1!!!


This place doesn’t make me angry, it makes me smile. You mileage will vary. :hugs:

I come for the chuckle factor. :slight_smile:


In fairness, SimplyTrying doesn’t ring a bell of familiarity with me, so what ever he/she is accosting me for, I’m sure I also used to take myself overly-seriously on here once upon a time. lol :slight_smile:

You did well with the first sentence, then took it back with the second when you used it for your own political rage.

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The OP left a great deal out so the thread is more than a little bit deceptive. He(Trump) spent a good bit of time singling out individuals that gave their lives and talking to their survivors about what great people their father/son/spouse was that lost their life.

Especially touching was some of the things he said to the children.

Hilarious. You just described trump’s tweet.