So it begins - Trump Organization, CFO Weisselberg charged with fraud and tax crimes

Prosecutors have to commit all kinds of violations of ethics and laws with virtually no risk of punishment along with favorable judges and jury pools in New York City. It would not surprise me if they will get a conviction that will eventually get overturned on appeal.

Similar things have happened before.


You have no idea that is the case. They already announced that there is a ongoing investigation on the manipulation of property values. I believe that Michael Cohen was telling the truth when he refereed to this going on. And if it is true and they have the evidence then the real big ■■■■ will hit the fan pretty soon.

The article you linked to is really a apples to oranges comparison.

The biggest hit is backtaxes, and not claiming you use the company car when you are. Whooptidy do! Weisselberg is already pleading not guilty! SDNY has got to love that.

Mueller announced a lot of things too that never came into fruition.

This is just the beginning. It’s like a mob investigation, you get the capos to get to the boss.

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Lol keep the faith! Tish with other cases has shown political bias as posters have shown.

$1.7M is whooptidy do? And why did you mention SDNY? It’s not their case.

Maybe nothing will come of it. But looking at the indictments, 2 of them are falsification of business records. Banks and lenders tend to not like it when you falsify records. Things don’t look good right now.

It’s the beginning of the end…The walls are closing in. It’s like a broke record player being played for five years now and for one reason only to keep him from running again.


Trump was never going to run again. He would read the polls and his ego would not permit him to lose again. He might say that he is going to run. But that is just so he can make money.


Carey Price isn’t giving up this many deflections.


In y’all’s defense, y’all never met a white collar crook you didn’t think should be able to just commit crimes or even crash the global economy and get away with it.


Hemlock please…
I suspect this post to be removed quickly, but here goes…
Oh, and if not hopefully no typo’s will be inserted later; to make me look dumb of course, please don’t do that.
Just pass the damned Hemlock already will Ya’.

OK, while FOX news covers the Britney Legal saga, the Trump Legal one goes wholly ignored.
Ok I get it, but it is news worthy, come on Sean…

I’m going to speak truth here as it is, rather than I see it, and not about any guilt or innocence, but rather legal process.

One word, “DISCOVERY”, Discovery people!
What is Discovery?
Watching, and hearing all the great legal minds pontificate about this matter; CNN.
I found myself having a, “Seriously, are you kidding me,” moment; as I often have lately when watching CNN legal minds bloviate on this Trump legal matter.
Are there any legal minds there that actually have taken a case to trial?

What ever ones opinion is about this legal matter, this, “small time” legal case, it really is just getting started.
If Trump Family did not do anything wrong then they will be fine, but if they did, then well that’s a horse of another color, jumpsuit orange.
And this is why.

Top New York Prosecutor initially wanted Trump on various criminal charges related to falsifying documents for ill gotten enrichment, but Weisellburg wouldn’t play along with the Prosecutor to that end.
So Trump Org., and Weisellburg now are being charged criminally for a “so called minor” infraction.
Now, there is an actual criminal case, and Weisellburg has pled,”not guilty” to it.
Now they move to trial.
The next phase in any criminal trial is… Discovery… good you remembered.
Discovery is mandatory.
Discovery is where both sides show the each other the evidence they have to convict or exonerate etc…
It’s a, you show me yours, and I’ll show you mine kinda’ deal.
In this case the Prosecutor will ask for all kinds of tax related documents, as this is essentially a tax fraud case, and Trump Org., and Weisellburg will have to comply.
They can ignore it for about 30 days, but a motion to compel will happen, and the Judge will order they comply with Prosecutions documents request.
And they can still refuse, then a “good cause” motion will be filed asking the Judge to insert a forensic body directly into Trump Org., and Weisellburg to get the legally required, and requested documents, and what ever else they just so happen to find.
In short a trial now is happening, compelling Discovery, even by Compulsory Process if needed, and ALL of Trump Orgs. tax records will be made available to the New York Prosecutors Office.
If any other criminal activity is then “Discovered” therein, like those pertaining to the Prosecutors initial claims of criminality, then it will be jumpsuit orange time.

All the pundints, and even some legal scholars seem clueless as to how a trial actually moves through a court.
Discovery is no joke.
Discovery can be done in less than 90 days.
If there is no other there, there, then the Trump family will be fine. If there is some other criminal matter that is “Discovered”, via “Discovery” then it will be prosecuted separately.

This, “minor charge” nonsense, is just not accurate.
This minor charge is the entrada’ this Prosecutor needs, and quite frankly has always had, if Weisellburg wouldn’t play ball.

I don’t know New Yorks records standards for ongoing criminal proceedings, but these Discoverable documents might be publicly purveyed in real time.

I made no assertion of guilt, or innocence, but rather have laid out a legal frame work for getting the tax documents Trump has always kept close the vest, and is through this coming “Discovery” phase.

I know, I know, now the Hemlock, please…


You are correct. My mistake.

LOL…ask Wesley Snipes how that works out. :joy:

We should let him break the law because…why again?

This would be a good time to invest in paper shredders.

Sure you are.

You want them to look the other way because this is trump’s org.

Do you pay the taxes you are obligated to by law?