So...Does the Democratic Party Hate White people? (CRT)

Amazing that they either turn a blind eye to all that or give it a wink and a nod. :roll_eyes:

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What is WNM?

Of the 16 people on that page 4 were women.

They gave it a wink and a nod.

It’s a defense contractor, not Pillsbury.

Anyone who thought no one died in the “mostly peaceful” riots of most of last year has been watching too much fake news. :sheep: :sheep: :sheep:


It’s not hate, it’s resentment. Or more accurately ressentiment.

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No that is not the argument.

The argument is the right is conflating any discussion on race as “CRT which teaches white people are evil oppressors” and that is simply not the case.

Even in Kent, WA where based on what little is posted, I don’t agree with how far they have gone (I for sure wouldn’t have banned To Kill a Mockingbird…that was a great book upon which to build fruitful discussions on race relation) but in no ways that I can see are white kids being taught to hate themselves.

I can immediately see why some of today’s right was offended…because they re-centered their discussions onto black scientists, mathematicians, etc away from “white” people of the same.

My question would be what’s wrong with that?

I would also once again ask someone to define “white culture” and what of “white culture” they see as being threatened.

“White” culture is a human invention…a couple hundred years ago there was no such thing.

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Sorry dont know what “WNM” is

we dont agree that “whiteness” is a problem and that all of society should be viewed through the lens of racism or that society is inherently structured to this day based on “white privilege” etc.

Believe me i wish i didnt know what it all actually is. It’s torture, even for the mere thinking man to see that others buy this crap


Yes, it is the case. Although “evil” is redundant.

:rofl: Stop.

So this is how you’re going to argue now?

And no it’s not the case.

Is there really anything to argue anymore?

It’s obvious here so called conservatives fully embrace the CRT grievances it’s gonna bounce around in their heads for a while before the next buzzword comes in.

But it won’t change the classico… they feel persecuted for their “whiteness” regardless of what it’s getting called.

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With truth? You betcha

I’m not arguing. Everything you have claimed about CRT is simply wrong. It’s propaganda.

And you have been shown that time and time again.

CRT (CT) is not wrong. In fact there’s a lot right with it. The problem is “white”, instead of “majority”, in this case. And that wasn’t an accident.

CRT is not special, it’s just another iteration with “R” inserted.

Critical Gender Studies
Critical Law Studies
Critical Geography
Critical Feminism

The list goes on and on. And everyone of them is the same with the same goal. And the same source.

My issue has never been about CRT.

It’s been the right’s conflating every…single…discussion…about race with it and turning it into a boogeyman.

For the SOLE purpose of consolidating their own power at the state and local level and getting their OWN agendas taught to kids in schools.

Rearguard action, as I said.

Still waiting for this definition of “white culture” and what about it is under assault that is so valuable.


No clue what white culture is, just against racism, no matter which race the target is.

Yes, it is the case. The entire case. Who has/had hegemony to build the system? In this case, which race?

Or in the case of Critical Gender Studies - which gender?

The entire strategy has one goal - transfer hegemony to a minority.

And it’s origins are Marxist. To “correct” the failure. It’s not a secret, they said it.

Derek Bell and Crenshaw didn’t “invent” CRT, they simply applied CT to race.

Marcuse was Angela Davis’ mentor. The line is clearly established.


Then why did you deny it was being used in grade schools? Why do you deny its roots?

Good because “white culture” is a human invention.

There are thousands upon thousands of schools in the US.

One can always find examples of people taking things too far…to the right and to the left.

In the 1990s it was right wing schools trying to push creationism into science classes under the new guise of “Intelligent Design”.

In my own school district, it was and continues to be a group of far righties who want to teach “True History” (and when you ask them what that is, just like their Left Wing counterparts they rage against, they can’t tell you). One of our school board members thought it was vitally important we teach kids about the Barbary Pirates (I am supposing to make sure an anti-Muslim slant was being taught).

Stop using schools as political footballs.

And parents…stop listening to national politicians tell you what to be pissed off about.

Yet you denied it.

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So we should ignore it when they take it too far? Doesn’t seem rational. Have you stepped aside to make room yet?