So...Does the Democratic Party Hate White people? (CRT)

Not everyone did it, but everyone supported it from afar and called it protesting when it wasn’t.


when “whiteness” and the imagined “white privilege” notion are the problem, one cant help but wonder


now why would anyone think there’s hate on white people?


Sneaky clearly showed a post about what’s being taught in Kent Washington.

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No…didn’t you hear? It was a “summer of love” and a “mostly peaceful protest”.


an actual progressive should not even be thinking in terms of any “race” but the human race

but the crt fanatics got out ahead of this and put this thinking on the great “pyramid of white supremacy” or whatever nonsense they call it.

i know i know. “read books thinkingman”

eyeballs. emotes, eyeballs…hmmmmm



The company argues that white, straight, Christian men are at the top of the oppression hierarchy—and must work on “recognizing [their] privilege” and “step aside” for minorities.


It’s not working.

notice how there’s an effort to turn reality into a big sarcastic swipe

Me at the meeting, raises hand, “I am a white male but not a Christian, do I get an exemption?”.

You all are truly trying to make nothing into something without having a clue what you’re arguing about.

Many would rather be right and still be ignorant rather than actually thinking, “hmmm maybe I’m wrong”, and using it as an opportunity to learn something. Nope…not here.

Raytheon is proof that white male privilege exists, as evidenced by those in positions of power there.

:rofl: did you look at that?

I did. White males are well-represented on that page.

So are women, including women of color.

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They got a race hustling bigoted tiger by the tail, it’s plain to see,
And if they don’t act like cowards it will be done with them
Well, they’re losing a grip on this here reality,
Looks like they’ve got a tiger by the tail.

Well, they thought they day they first rolled over it was a manageable lamb,
Just the kind to help them attack Republicans and advance their plans,
But now they’ve got to bow and to scrape, ‘cause that’s the price for living with hate,
And it looks like they’ve got a tiger by the tail.

They got a race hustling bigoted tiger by the tail, it’s plain to see,
And if they don’t act like cowards it will be done with them
Well, they’re losing a grip on this here reality,
Looks like they’ve got a tiger by the tail.


Don’t forget that Labor Day is also Wear White Clothes and Suits day! badaboomkisk

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The great-grandchild of critical theory, a lineage of Marxist bastards.


Yep you should read more. Makes you a better thinkingman :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

FTR, I already gave you all a concise explanation of so-called CRT a couple of weeks ago. However, since it didn’t line up with the WNM’s narrative and ideology you guys(including yourself) dismissed it, per usual.
You people have no interests in knowing/learning, just the need to defend ideology and the thirst to be right

Crazy is in vogue again since Donny was president.