Snitches get stitches

It absolutely is when people push it on others and believe it. It’s what children do. It’s far right wing Tooth Fairy adorableness. I thought that ■■■■ died out years ago. Apparently not. I love the part where they list the “bodyguards” Clinton had killed and it included ATF agents killed at Waco. It was hilarious and disturbing to see that spread in the 90s and 2000s amongst my family. So it is adorable that people still believe it these decades later. You’re adorable.

No, as it has been debunked for decades it says a lot about you that you continue to believe. It’s adorable. Did you get that first email in the 90s? You’re adorable.

You know what the difference is between a conspiracy rumor and the truth? About 18 months. :wink:

Again adorable. Those scores of bodies going back to the seventies the Clintons had killed? When did those become truth. Want to ask Fox News about the Seth Rich murder? Even our host doesn’t talk about that any more. Why?

As if Seth Rich was the only name on the Clinton list … :smirk:

Is “adorable” the trigger word of the week? if so, it’s not working. Better luck next week. :wink:

We probably should have followed the example G Washington set…or we could just follow our Constitution.

Cuz it turns out that slander is a crime.