Snitches get stitches

Well, according to the article and subsequent commentary she “snitched”, and is now in danger from the other inmates.

The inmates don’t care about the list, they care about the snitching. Hence the need for protective custody.

Who said “they” were going to kill her? If the current inmates are pissed off enough to kill/hurt her, the powers that be are not going to try and stop it. She is of no use to them. She can’t provide them with anything they don’t already have. If fellow pissed off inmates have an accident planned for her, no one is going to care. Just like her buddy.

Do they put everyone in protective custody for being a snitch?

I have no idea. I’ve never even been to jail.

Its awfully hard to feel sorry for someone who pimped out teen girls. Living in fear of getting offed is probably the right fate for her.

That goes back to the first prisons ever established.

As they say, in prison they have nothing but time …

There are a lot of people on that client/guest list that would do anything to keep the list secret. First and most obvious names are both Clintons.

Hillary would order a hit on Ghislaine? Why?

As wvidenced by the fact we haven’t seen it and no one on it has been charged even though people are freely admitting she and Eppie were trafficking underage girls. Yet not one pedo charged.

And didn’t Trump fly on Epstein airways to Pedo island too?

Maybe he wants to off her?

Why are the Clintons the most obvious? Because you want them to be?

Because if she rats in fellow prisoners, she surely would rat on Bill.

Maybe because a lot of people the Clintons don’t want to spill the beans seem to die of mysterious deaths.

Oh you sweet sweet person. You believe the Clinton Body Count list don’t you? That’s adorable.

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No. Because Biil was known to be a frequent guest on Epsein’s island and Hillary has a murderous history.

Oh. You’re another Clinton Body Count person. Again, you people are adorable.

Yep. He is on the suspect list too. He hobnobbed with Epstein and the Clntons back in the day.

There is nothing adorable about the Clinton body count.

And you could care less if it is true as long as it is a democrat getting away with murder. Say a lot about a person.