Snitches Fear Retaliation

Parents making parental decisions about their children’s education is equal to Ms Becker flipping out over driving by and people eating outside together at a golf course.

Leftism… :person_shrugging: :rofl:


The snitching is what is being equated…not what is being snitched about.

Yeah, parents making parental decisions is snitching.

Leftism, folks… :person_shrugging: :rofl:


Parents snitching on things they don’t like is snitching…not “making parental decisions”.

But thanks for playing.

I realize the raccoon-like grip y’all have on those apples while you wave them at the oranges.

Leftist logic, folks… :man_shrugging: :rofl:


That’s that arrogant attitude that caused the problem in the first place.


I personally hope they continue destroying the education system. Homeschooling is more of a nuclear ability anyway. :wink:


Agreed. Who knows, maybe the next generation will actually get an education.

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Lotta big talk about how snitching isn’t snitching if it benefits you and your beliefs, isn’t it? Almost like Americans love snitching about real things almost as much as they love making up ■■■■ and snitching that to ruin people’s lives.

Since when is a public school anywhere near synonymous with employees in the private sector?

We are talking about snitching and work place retaliation. I addressed the snitching and work place retaliation in separate posts.

When is a parent going to face retaliation for expressing themselves at a school board meeting?

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He used Cabal… so it must be scurry

That’s snitching…

But no they shouldn’t face retaliation. Nor should an employee reporting workplace violations.

I’m not “right-wing” and I addressed it as much as it deserved.

That and workplace retaliation… which is illegal.

“He”. Another mealy-mouthed “about” instead of “to”.

You denials ring hollow.

They are not doing it in secret hoping to remain anonymous.


Public schools encourage snitching too. It’s probably where these Patricia’s got into that busybody habit in the first place.

“If you see something, say something.”

Terrible logic IMOIO. I tell my kids if they see something that isn’t effecting them or someone getting hurt, to mind their own damn business.

