Six replies per day limit for new posters?

No, he’s a dude. Those are lyrics to Allstar by Smashmouth

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He is a Christian.

It’s literally the best worst song ever made. The ****tiest yet most addictive hook ever imagined.

Does the new forum not censor intentionally, or is this an oversight?

I removed the word from your post, out of precaution.

Apparently not. If they want that language censored, then they can add the filter. I’m going to continue posting the way I always have :sunglasses:

I was wondering the same thing when i saw that. Better get that filter on there. I’m too used to having it. :laughing:

That is completely fair. I don’t see why you would need to change your style, unless they make a rule against it or something.


I’d say that most of the old forumites are as well. :+1:

:raising_hand_man: I’d love a bump in trust level :blue_heart:

Favoritism is on display. :confused:

Hard to have a conversation under the limit per day ruling! Back to the old site…

Dude. We just opened the doors. I’m figuring out all this stuff the same as y’all. I’ve gone through and upped the trust levels of everyone I recognized. If anyone needs a bump post here.


I’m working on that. Do me a favor and be good for the time being. I gotta find that filter again…

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Thanks for the trust level bump.

No need to worry about me. But that Eclipze fellow…I’d keep a close eye on. :smirk:

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you shame the forum by knowing this

And how does one do that?

That he’s a dude, I thought everyone knew this?:smile:

You’re up samm. The status just keeps you from being limited to 10 posts per day, or whatever it was. [quote=“Samm, post:58, topic:59, full:true”]

And how does one do that?