Six people arrested so far as part of Neo Nazi terrorist group

And the counterprotesters chose to affiliate their protest with Antifa.


Yes they are guilty. While I am absolutely disgusted by the methods Antifa utilizes I do agree with their opposition to white supremacy. Why do you suppose those choose to carry white supremacists water?

Yep. I just dont understand why those choose to only vilify the side aligning with Antifa and not the side aligning with White Supremacists.

Both sides methods of violence are disgusting but when you strip it down to just the messaging one side is in favor of white supremacy and the other is against white supremacy.

I am more interested that peoples freedom of speech is expressed. I may not like their message but they have a right to be heard.

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Yet you seem to have a problem with Antifa utilizing their right to be heard but not the white supremacists. Why?

No. I absolutely hate white supremacists. If there was one group I would consider shooting on sight with no due process, that would be them. I would not do the same to those punk ass kids from Antifa.

You don’t get that last sentence. No buts.

Yes I do

No, you don’t.

Sure I do, I just did. You do not get to dictate what opinions I am allowed to express

I’m not. You can express it all you want. You’re compromising yourself and get no credit for it.

No I’m not. I in no way support Antifa. I do however agree with what they fighting against. Antifa are misguided angry thugs, white supremacists are worse

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That makes me a Trumphumper according to the libs here.

Nah. The daily defense of almost everything he does is why they say that

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I in no way support Trump. I do however agree with what he is fighting against.


fair enough

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So a terrorist organization co-opted a legitimate counter protest and you’re OK with them doing it?

They did not apply weeks ahead of time like the original protesters did. If…ANTIFA got one…and I don’t believe “they” did…it was with in 48 hours of the event. So why would they come then? Coincidence? Nope. There was only one reason…violence.


I didn’t originally see where you were going with this. Point conceded

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So what? Thats not a requirement. The bottom line is that they were legally permitted to be there

Yet multiple white supremacists were the only ones to found guilty (or even indicted) on violent felonies. Weird

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