Single party rule is coming. Good idea?

Harry Reed was not in control of the senate when Bush held all branches.
We were talking about why were conservatives not complaining and worried when Bush had total control.
I pointed out that things were a little different than.
Are you sure you know what your talking about or are you just babbling.

I recall warning people in the GOP in 2015 / 2016 that nominating Trump was going to be a yuuuuuge mistake and being guffawed. Of course, back then, I was in the GOP and was thinking in terms of Trump losing the election and everyone getting a good laugh out of it. Instead, something worse happened - he actually won. In so doing, he brought out a lot of elements of the GOP that had been in hiding, making myself and others wash our hands of the GOP forever.

Time will only tell the damage that Trump has done to the GOP brand. If anyone in party leadership ever reads this board, I would just say that if you want to be a major player in politics going forward, the GOP better wash their hands of this Trump stain in a very public way, or it could well end up being just a regional party.

Yes, you can bookmark this. I’ll stand by it.


Then why did you respond to my post that was specifically talking about 2017-2018 when Republicans controlled it all.

I’ve said all along that the GOP needed to go for it. Because there are no traditions in DC any more after Harry who opened this can of worms. Now it’s all out war.

No I wasn’t. This is the post you replied to. If you were attempting to answer @Scratch then you should of clicked their post and not mine or at least quoted what you were replying to

Welcome ro my world AZ. :slight_smile:

Same with black people

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Obama is listed along side only two other Presidents for the most house seats lost in their first mid term elections. The other two presidents were Clinton and Truman. In fact Obama lost more house seats than Clinton or Truman.
The dems lost 63 house seats.
The dems lost 6 senate seats.
They also lost 958 state legislature seats.
Thats’ a big lose and a whipping in anyone’s book.

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Its baffling to say the least.

They’re upset that minorities tend to to vote for Democrats but at the same time don’t want to take the effort to embrace fellow Americans with similar sets of ideals. They would rather disenfranchise them then court their vote


It was a whipping on the Republicans.

Ouch, pesky fscts

Why are you talking about 2018.
Seems today a lot of leftist can’t understand what is being said.
Find where in my post I said 2018.
2018 was not Obamas first midterm election. In 2010 Obama and the leftist got whipped in the first midterms.
They got taken to the wood shed.
Even Obama could admit it even if you can’t

Seems another leftist who cant read. Ouch pesky facts.


The. you should stop replying to posts that specifically refer to the 2018 election if you’re not talking about 2018

Sorry, my mistake. And of course both of Obama’s midterms were a loss for the Democrats. That is what happens historically.

When did you become the post police. What is this grade school?

Now there we go a leftist who can have a conversation. Hat’s off to you.

I’m not. It’s just basic common sense not to reply to specific posts if you talking about something completely different.

We’re going to take a bunch of statehouses too and gerrymander the hell out of them to keep a permanent majoritu in the House.