Single party rule is coming. Good idea?

IF we get rid of the sociopath in November, no.

So you are assuming that an Executive Order can make all 22 million illegal immigrants citizens overnight?

They would not be required to go through any application process at no cost?

Currently green cards are limited to 140,000 per year. When I applied for my orginal card it took about a year and when I had to get my new card a few years ago it took another year to get my card.

So how long do you think it would take 22 million to be processed to become citzens.

I always thought the early 90s stoner characters who emphatically weren’t stoners were even weirder: Bill and Ted, Wayne and Garth, dudes like that.

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Until the victors start feeding on the victors. It will happen. Then your cookies and tea will turn to bread and water.

…the 60’s and 70’s anti drug?

Has Covid-19 moved us into the Dune Universe?

My mistake. I always thought it was late 70s-early 80s which is probably due to that being when I was allowed to watch it.

Yeah i watched when I was a kid in the late 60’s…I’m older than dirt.

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Who would want to be President in 2021? You’d have to be somewhat insane just to want the job. Economy trashed, deficits that make W’s look like amateurs, raging uncontrolled pandemic, country the subject of smirks from Moscow, to Berlin, to London, to Beijing, to Riyadh.

Obama had a hell of mess to clean up. The next person has far worse.

Trump was merely projecting when he spoke of ■■■■ hole countries. A ■■■■ hole country was the product of his labors.

Eventually all communities will become like Chicago, except those exclusive wealthy communities reserved for liberal elites.

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Oh, he’s gonna legalize 'em all right. He’s also gonna open the floodgates on new immigration. Social media checks to make sure they’re all liberals. No waiting for citizenship. Targeted location of the new immigre/citizens to massively gerrymandered districts in Wisconsin and other states.

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I afraid you remember recent history wrong.
The leftist saw their chance to get control of the healthcare of all US citizens when they held both houses and the White House. And they went for it.
There were a few blue dog dems who would not get on the crazy leftist train.
In fact those few blue dogs saved us from radical total government control of our health care.
But being leftist they decided to go with getting the nose of the camel under the tent.
So they convinced the blue dogs that they could give them a few goodies for their state and the stupid voters would vote them back into office.
Then the leftist used every dirty trick in the book to pass what they knew the majority of voters did not want.
I believe that in the mid term elections many leftist were shocked at the whipping they got because they honestly believed the leftist MSM who were pushing the you have a mandate. Conservatives will never hold control of the either houses again or the White House. I also know that the leftist in the government knew that there would be a backlash. But they were willing to sacrifice a few members to get what they wanted.
So no the leftist will never let an opportunity go to waste. They will pass every crazy leftist idea they can.

What is the Republican solution? Have they offered anything to improve the situation or is their plan simply pointing fingers?

Taking the house and gaining seats in the Senate is not exactly a whipping

Dude Chicago has been how it is for a hundred plus years.

Things were a little different than.
Harry Reed had not yet abolished the need for sixty votes. And the GOP did not have sixty votes in the senate so the dems still had a way to make their voices heard.
Now that Harry Reed got rid of the need for sixty votes to confirm judges. McConnell took it one step father and got rid of the need for sixty votes to confirm SC judges.
I believe if the dems take the senate they will get rid of the need for sixty votes to pass anything. So there is a reason to worry about having no voice any more and of the left passing what ever they want to make sure your voice stays silent.

Harry Reed did that after 2016? Are you sure about that?

You mean the very thing Trump has repeatably asked for?

It was a whipping even if you like to pretend it wasn’t. Even your savior Obama admitted that it was a whipping.

A whipping occurs when you lose, not win