Simple Questions for the Gun Control Crowd

There is already a registry for voting.

Technically every abortion is tracked but no national registry. What would be the point of a national abortion registry?

I can’t kill anyone with my ballot. And personal medical decisions aren’t harming another citizen.

Then why are you trying to do it again?

The pretzel illogic is yours. The “electorate” does not override the Constitution. It is my right, not “ours”.

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There you go again. I haven’t killed any children with my guns. You don’t get to diminish my rights because you are scared.

That’s incorrect anyway.

Horse ■■■■■

That’s wrong too.


:rofl: Take a history class.


It’s technically possible, so it’s worth discussing, in my opinion. If there’s a danger of it becoming some super racial profiling technology, then I’m interested in finding out if there’s a solution around that without throwing out the technology.

I don’t believe I have suggested anything unconstitutional.

We can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube, with respect to guns already in the hands of citizens. That is what I mean by “nobody is taking your guns”.

We can incentivize them to register their weapons (maybe tax breaks or credits) and make it harder to purchase weapons.

Your gun is purpose built to kill. It is why they exist.

My ballot requires a registry, your guns can too.

Abortions aren’t tracked at the clinic/hospital?


That’s is how I would envision a system that tracks gun purchases too. A gigantic tax break for sellers with a compliant reporting system. I’d even make compliant gun sales tax free.

I just threw my ballot at the wall, not even a scratch.

So is monitoring 1st person shooter games. Does that make it legal?

Your registry is.


Chavez was elected. So was Putin.




There you go again.


By the government?

:rofl::+1:t4: in exchange for a registry? Try it.


I wasn’t under the impression that it’s illegal.

Well I’m glad I didn’t vote for them.

If I throw my ballot at someone, what is the likelihood of survival?

Biden says 9mm rounds are an issue. going after ammo is no different than going after guns

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Is being armed?

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I wasn’t under the impression that monitoring game activity is illegal, I mean.

4th Amendment.