Silliness of Solar farms

Or silicon locked fields of some of the most toxic chemicals on earth that are mined by ecologically uncaring communists using near-slave labor.

… that helicopters have to pee on to keep them operating.

There is no end to the fun describing technical stuff that people really don’t understand and might hate if they did.

Oh, and so are Fossil Fuels.

Has any proof been offered up that helicopters are actually used to clean solar fields?

That’s silly, helicopters don’t pee unless you shoot them.

Ah yes. Our Sun.

The creator, or Nature’s God, form of fusion works great.

We still have a way to go before we can replicate even a fraction of a percent of its potential.

I work next to a solar farm. In the two years or so its been in operation, I have yet to see a helicopter or a drone clean the panels. Solar is here to stay. Not sure why people are so anti-solar. It’s getting cheaper and better all the time.

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Identification of the limitations is not anti-solar. In my world of engineering, we do trade studies that identify pros and cons of a candidate technology or course of action. That involves realistic and unbiased analyses. Those who refuse to do so are impediments to progress because the identification of the negatives can lead to the search for and development of what we call “enabling technologies” to overcome the limitations.

What field are you in? It does not sound like to do such things.

A smart utility would utilize whatever methods are available to them.

A fusion reactor would solve the problem of radioactive waste, but it takes a tremendous amount of energy to get going.

Yes- when I tell people petroleum is a battery, they look at me like I’m nuts.

But it essentially is.

Maybe they will get it when Fuel Cells reach commercial viability.

Nuclear energy is still way more efficient, that being said who knows what the future will bring in solar technology the last ten years it has grown leaps and bounds.

And I noticed today the helicopter wash did almost nothing. They are all still covered with dust. I bet the dems answer is to outlaw dust…LMAO!

My problem is the critics on this thread aren’t aware of the current technology. They are mostly basing things on 10 year old problems or imaginary problems (like the helicopter thing). I will admit I was very skeptical of solar 10 years ago, but technology has advanced a lot in this time. I’m just waiting for the price point to come down a bit before I invest in it.

People aren’t. The industries who profit off of it are.

French solar road fails…

And like all solar panels they don’t produce anywhere near the claims, and will never last long enought to pay back the energy it took to manufacture them.

Which I would not care about if was all done by free market companies but, we are forced to pay subsidies through our power bills and taxes making us all poorer. Just like most govt schemes.

If you ask me, Solar panels are a boomer fantasy ingrained in them from their kids science kit they got for Christmas …

They should have built a solar panel roof over the roadway. I have seen parking lots so equipped. It not only produces the power they were after, but it also protects the cars and the pavement from the sun.

Solar roadways are stupid and only became a thing because of an internet Gofundme.

Solar power on the other hand is not.

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It’s a myth they are useful as a household energy source like Nat gas etc… If they really were viable the private sector would have used them without govt subsidy long ago to power manufacturing and such.

As far as I can tell they are a major polluter because of their manufacturing, mining and shipping. And under the best circumstance like no dust on them, never make up the power it took to manufacture them. So it’s just govt subsidy raising the carbon foot print (if you care), making China richer, making the poor poorer, so they can pretend they are doing something.

And I notice electric cars often have “zero emission” written them from the manufacturer.

It’s a lie an false advertising, Obviously…